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GoHighLevel w/ Robb Bailey

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93 contributions to GoHighLevel w/ Robb Bailey
Im official!!!
Hey family, I'm back under the newbie tab to announce signing up under Big Robb! I've gotten so much out of this community and Robb's teaching compared to anywhere else. So I think it's perfect timing because I am finally peaking intrest and have no doubt clients are days away. So that means I'll be staying under Robb as a paying ghl member, and I can't think of anyone who deserves it more than him!! Ty
New comment Jan 18
3 likes โ€ข Jan 13
Congrats! @Michael Harmon
How we did a DR to get our first 6 clients
We obtained a list of all the gyms in our area from Google Maps through Fiverr. Surprisingly, many gyms had cell phone numbers listed. Our original plan was to cold call them, but with all the cell phone numbers available, we decided to run a DR instead. Here are the steps we followed: 1. We added the list to GHL (GoHighLevel). 2. We sent a message asking, "Do you accept new members?" (Of course, they do ๐Ÿ˜‰). 3. We waited for a reply. If positive, we proceeded to the next step. 4. We sent a follow-up text: "I'm inquiring because I'd like to bring you 15-30 new members in the next 30 days. This service is completely free. I'll handle the follow-up and acquisition costs. In return, I only ask for a short interview afterward and for you to consider a longer-term collaboration. Would you be interested in a brief call? If you prefer not to receive messages, please send 'STOP'. Kind regards, Ashley." (Note: Consider adapting the wording a bit as the original is in Dutch.) 5. We sent a follow-up text with a link to a YouTube video of a previous interview, if available: "Here's an interview with [Gym Name], where we secured 63 appointments in 13 days." This strategy successfully secured our first six clients!"
New comment Jan 22
2 likes โ€ข Jan 11
Thanks @Mike Cuypers Your advice is golden!
This Single Thing Will 3X Your Performance Forever
We always try to improve our performance and life, and we try different things, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't, but even the things that work, never feel to last long. And there's a big reason why this happens. It doesn't matter how much you try to change things around you, if you don't focus on the fundamentals, everything else won't matter. What is that thing you may ask? SLEEP. We literally spend 1/3 of our life sleeping, yet people take it for granted, crazy. (Fun Fact: When we're sleep-deprived, our brain literally starts to eat itself to keep us awake and sharp) And even for those that actually do sleep a lot every night, if you feel tired and you feel like there's something wrong, it's because your quality sleep sucks. Quality Sleep >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Quantity Sleep 6 hours of very high-quality sleep > 8 hours of average sleep But enough talking, I'll go straight to the point and tell you everything you need to optimise your sleep. - Go to sleep every day at the same time and wake up every day at the same time (E.g. 10 PM sleep, 6 AM wake up, do it forever now.) - Sleep naked - Your room should be at a temperature of 19* Celcius - Your blanket should be 8% of your body weight - Your pillowcases should be 100% silk, not cotton. - Don't eat anything when there's 4 hours left to go to sleep - As soon as you wake up (6 AM) get some sunlight or artificial light in your eyes IMMEDIATELY - Don't get any blue light / bright light in your eyes when there's 2 hours left before sleeping - Don't eat carbs at night - No caffeine after 11:30 AM (No caffeine at all would be better) - Don't drink water within 1 hour of going to sleep - Have expensive and high-quality beds, mattresses and pillows (You spend 1/3 of your life on those things, don't be cheap, invest.) - Buy an Oura Ring & Whoop to track your sleep and improve it If you apply most of these things, you'll genuinely become a different person. You'll be full of energy every day and you'll genuinely be happier than ever.
New comment Jan 12
This Single Thing Will 3X Your Performance Forever
2 likes โ€ข Jan 11
I'm so glad I came across this today! It served as a much-needed reminder of just how sleep-deprived I've been lately. Thanks @Mario Costantino Ciucia
More Prospects Today
I met with a recording artist, a medical coding school owner, a property owner, a software engineer, a pastor, and a Volunteer For Life Non-Profit Business Owner. Basically all I could do was make sure I got tons of referrals. Not one had a database to reactivate. They were all very nice people, though. I got a chance to practice my script as well. I'll be back with better news tomorrow!!
New comment Nov '23
4 likes โ€ข Oct '23
@Abraham Prieto It's time for @Ron Gibson to introduce the benefits of CRM to these prospects.
2 likes โ€ข Nov '23
Thanks @Jason Dueck! Good stuff.
Where to start?
I have a client that I want to set up a DR for. The only reason I haven't signed up for the GHL trial is because I'm still not exactly sure what the steps/timeline look like. So far, all the DR videos I've watched have been great but they're more about the concept of DR. I'm sold on it. I know how powerful it can be. Now I just wanna get rocking with it. The only database my client has right now is in his gmail - which has about 1500 people who opted in for a 30 day trial to his BJJ Academy. So I'm thinking the process looks like this: 1.) Download the contacts from Gmail via google takeout (Mailmeteor only goes back 1 year). 2.) Upload to GHL and tag. 3.) Set up A2P - Based on the threads I've seen, this seems like it takes time. 4.) Start broadcasting the contacts via SMS in smaller segments. 5.) Move them into some kind of pipeline to schedule an appointment and send reminders. 6.) Tag them based on result (showed, showed and joined, never showed). Am I missing anything or is this pretty much the way it works? And secondly, how long does this A2P approval typically take? TIA Paul
New comment Dec '23
5 likes โ€ข Nov '23
@Paul Mascetta It took me about a week to be A2P compliant. I used A2P snapshots from Extendly. Check out this link approved by @Robb Bailey himself.
1-10 of 93
Luis Del Rosario
200points to level up
Creative Director and Producer at DelBay Pictures. Recently expanded to start a Gohighlevel agency called Delbay Systems.

Active 9d ago
Joined Sep 28, 2023
New York
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