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16 contributions to FTP Community
The 10X Rule (AWESOME Mindset Hack!)
Have you heard of this?" "The 10X Rule" Basically, it's a counterbalance to our limited way of thinking. The idea is... When we envision our future and set goals, they are not actually representative of our TRUE capabilities. We tend to play it small. Can you relate? Do you find yourself playing it small sometimes? Grand Cardone, author of the book, "The 10X Rule" suggests we take whatever dream or goal we have... and 10X it! and THAT will be closer to our ACTUAL potential. Also... if we are thinking and dreaming bigger... then our actions will match those expanded goals. We will dig deeper, get up earlier, work harder, and exert more energy and discipline. Whether we reach out 10X multiplied goals or not doesn't matter because that simple mind shift will cause us to shoot MUCH further than we would have otherwise. I don't know about you but I have discovered that my own mind is terrified of my greatness and true power... and has very sneaky back door ways of stifling my progress. Self-sabotage, over analyzation, perfectionism, desire for instant gratification, etc. This 10X rule is a mind hack that Aaron, Mat, and I have been using for years. So, I thought I'd toss it your way in case you may benefit as well. And if you enjoyed this little mindset tip, we have MUCH more to offer in this regard, soon, in our new program The Conscious Business Accelerator. This is a 3-week coaching program that starts May 15th, and while it will soon cost 2K to join... Right now, you can go through it for free! >>> APPLY TO BECOME A BETA TESTER HERE This is an opportunity to experience it for free because it's our first time running it, fyi, this will not always be the case. Hope to see you inside, Sincerely, Victor
New comment Jun 28
1 like • Jun 24
@Helen Janet hi you are most,definitely welcome
1 like • Jun 27
@Helen Janet I don't mind at all ask away
HUGE Opportunity!
Hey my friend, Next month, Aaron, Mat, and I are rolling out our brand NEW program! This is for "conscious entrepreneurs" - who either have...or want to create... a high-vibe online business. So that's coaches, healers, psychics, and thought leaders... This NEW program, is going to help you... 1) Break Through Limiting Beliefs: There are SOO many powerful people we've worked with that... have the calling, KNOW they are destined for this... have the skills (the soul depth to become an AMAZING helper) but are stuck... due to limiting beliefs such as imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and fear of their own power. This program will help you finally rid your consciousness of those negative mind patterns... and replace them with new and empowering ones that will set you up for success and momentum! 2) Learn Essential Leadership Skills: Another thing we've noticed is that many people that we've taught the "business side" of things to... still lack the confidence, or... simply have never been taught how to hold space, guide, lead, and deliver life-changing results to their clients and customers. This program will help you with that essential skill set so that you can step into your power and shine your light into the world...with confidence and mastery! 3) Understand The SIMPLE FTP Formula None of that will do you any good if you don't know how to run a business, especially an online business which is very unique. So we will also teach you how to grow an online following, craft an offer to service your audience so you can help them more deeply AND earn a great income... and lastly, automate many areas of your business so you can "work" like Aaron, Mat, and I work... Which is... not that much! and also when we want... and ONLY on the things we are truly passionate about! This new program is 100% FREE to join and ALSO includes... 3 Weeks of LIVE coaching with Mat, Aaron, and me! BUT there is a catch... you must apply for this beta tester position.
New comment May 2
2 likes • Apr '23
@Kristin Peek Hi there, thanks for watching hope you get value from my readings🙂
1 like • Apr 7
@Rachel Hill quit spamming people in FTP groups. Do you have any integrity at all
HUGE Opportunity!
Calling all coaches... (& those that want to learn how to become one) Starting tomorrow, for the first time ever we are launching the... "Conscious Coaches Accelerator" Details here >> This is a 12-day program for anyone who wants to start... or grow an online coaching business. Starting September 13th, (tomorrow) through LIVE interactive coaching with Aaron Doughty, Mat Schaffer and myself (Victor)... You will learn 3 Main Things... 1) How to attract clients... (you "vibe" with) We don’t recommend you work with just anyone! When you know how to leverage the internet, (& we will teach you!)... it’s EASY to attract clients that you will resonate with. 2) Fill your calendar with long-term... (6-12 months)... high-paying clients… Imagine having 5-10 clients paying you $500 - $1,000 a month for the next year? This is SOOO much better than constantly trying to sign up new people for 1-5 sessions at a time. With long-term clients you get to enjoy stability and financial peace of mind AND your clients will get way better results! 3) Learn how to deliver life-changing results to your clients, Mat and I have been coaching for over a decade... each! and will be sharing with you our processes, wisdom, and tools from the trenches. This time only... we are offering this amazing program... for FREE! only because it's the very first time we are rolling it out. If you are interested in participating AND are willing to do the work, You can apply here - Hope to see you inside! Can't wait! Sincerely, Victor
New comment Feb 2
HUGE Opportunity!
2 likes • Sep '23
The group is already putting out so much positive energy
What is shared in news..!
Hi everyone, I felt to share a deep part of my truths., having worked within corporate’ welfare to work industries for over 35 years of my life, I created income streams and worked endlessly to support customers with fair dues to our earnings. I reached a point to total disability’ that had no hope of reversal from medical experts. In 2015, I stopped working and drifted away from all I owned and haven’t earned a penny since, as my mind saw how the vicious circle ⭕️ had no endings, and what hope would there be for our future generations’ when we ourselves are worked to our maximum to make ends meet. I went through homelessness and basic foods etc., through taking the journey from self guidance to inner healing’ I am fully abled and also recovered from a full right side paralysis stroke in March 2020; within 24 hours. I had told the doctors’ ‘I’ll be fine tomorrow’ they laughed’ as I told them., go ahead laugh’ tomorrow I’ll be laughing; before they arrived in my room the next morning I had showered and ready with full movement and fully abled. I remained with a really painful headache’ just above back of my neck. Which eased as I started writing down the insights of what felt channeled from universe, having had these insights as a child’ I saw how my life was panning out, and honoured through the journey of lonesome and silent years of understanding my inner mechanisms. So’ with this brief in mind; I felt to ask please? Is there a way we can promote this please.? ❤️‍🩹♾️☯️💝 how many news companies would take part!! as the war continues to escalte, whilst news reports can raise awareness' it also entertains and fuels its wrath., its sadly becoming like a game of chess; with unconsciousness of overlooking, that these are real peoples lives and livelihoods their playing with’ the main culprits are protected in their thrones.
New comment Jun '23
1 like • Jun '23
Kastur, you have quite the story inside of you. So much medicine to help heal The Universe. The Article was informative. I was a high school dropout that took her GED for her dad that got cancer. (Long story) Little did I know at age 29, single parent of 2 my GED would come into play. I went to college. I was scared but what choice did I have? It took me 4 years to earn my associates degree but I got it. The Divine Blessed Me. You story is similar to mine in some ways. I am so glad you stepped up to take this journey. BB and Love and Light To You 💫💫💫
1 like • Jun '23
What a kind soul you have. You make sense to me🙂
What A Great Day........
Hope ya'll had a good one and that you wished your Mom and Mother Earth Happy Mother's Day. (For those in the states anyway( Queensland celebrates on Different Day)
What A Great Day........
1-10 of 16
Laurie Rolling
12points to level up
Transformational Mindset Coach, Tarot Reader and Channeler

Active 9h ago
Joined Jan 31, 2023
Portland Texas
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