What is shared in news..!
Hi everyone,
I felt to share a deep part of my truths., having worked within corporate’ welfare to work industries for over 35 years of my life, I created income streams and worked endlessly to support customers with fair dues to our earnings.
I reached a point to total disability’ that had no hope of reversal from medical experts.
In 2015, I stopped working and drifted away from all I owned and haven’t earned a penny since, as my mind saw how the vicious circle ⭕️ had no endings, and what hope would there be for our future generations’ when we ourselves are worked to our maximum to make ends meet.
I went through homelessness and basic foods etc., through taking the journey from self guidance to inner healing’ I am fully abled and also recovered from a full right side paralysis stroke in March 2020; within 24 hours.
I had told the doctors’ ‘I’ll be fine tomorrow’ they laughed’ as I told them., go ahead laugh’ tomorrow I’ll be laughing; before they arrived in my room the next morning I had showered and ready with full movement and fully abled.
I remained with a really painful headache’ just above back of my neck. Which eased as I started writing down the insights of what felt channeled from universe, having had these insights as a child’ I saw how my life was panning out, and honoured through the journey of lonesome and silent years of understanding my inner mechanisms.
So’ with this brief in mind; I felt to ask please?
Is there a way we can promote this please.? ❤️‍🩹♾️☯️💝
how many news companies would take part!!
as the war continues to escalte, whilst news reports can raise awareness' it also entertains and fuels its wrath., its sadly becoming like a game of chess; with unconsciousness of overlooking, that these are real peoples lives and livelihoods their playing with’ the main culprits are protected in their thrones.
Hyping the soldiers and armies, with no regards to value of their lives and their loved ones.
as loyalty and humaness for living beings: how many news companies out there would refrain from sharing anything about the war.
there are so many natural catastrophic events taking place around the world, volcanoes 🌋floods, tornados, earthquakes etc..
why are the news companies not reporting these events that the public have a right to know, so they can prepare and furthermore be informed of how our unconscious involvement is resulting to natural catastrophes,
giving more information about war that is man created and boosted egos and rage. only feeds more fire in the bellys for the ones hungry to pamper their egos.
Logical Question;
do we create fears to man controlling energies or the energies of what man has already created to ecological streams that are becoming more and more powerful catastrophes.
if we create fear to public by showing wars, their fears are unknowingly reflecting the natural disasters, if we show the public of how our fearful energies are creating these catastrophes, we vibrationally give less energies to war, as we kill the energies that are fuelling the wars, hence bring more balance by taking note of our planet.
i hope i make sense please.
thank you 🙏☯️♾️🌍⚕️♾️☯️🙏
Kastur Kaz Halai
What is shared in news..!
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