HUGE Opportunity!
Hey my friend,
Next month, Aaron, Mat, and I are rolling out our brand NEW program!
This is for "conscious entrepreneurs" - who either have...or want to create...
a high-vibe online business.
So that's coaches,
and thought leaders...
This NEW program, is going to help you...
1) Break Through Limiting Beliefs:
There are SOO many powerful people we've worked with that...
have the calling, KNOW they are destined for this...
have the skills (the soul depth to become an AMAZING helper)
but are stuck... due to limiting beliefs such as imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and fear of their own power.
This program will help you finally rid your consciousness of those negative mind patterns...
and replace them with new and empowering ones that will set you up for success and momentum!
2) Learn Essential Leadership Skills:
Another thing we've noticed is that many people that we've taught the "business side" of things to...
still lack the confidence,
or... simply have never been taught how to hold space, guide, lead, and deliver life-changing results to their clients and customers.
This program will help you with that essential skill set so that you can step into your power and shine your light into the world...with confidence and mastery!
3) Understand The SIMPLE FTP Formula
None of that will do you any good if you don't know how to run a business, especially an online business which is very unique.
So we will also teach you how to grow an online following,
craft an offer to service your audience so you can help them more deeply AND earn a great income...
and lastly, automate many areas of your business so you can "work" like Aaron, Mat, and I work...
Which is... not that much!
and also when we want... and ONLY on the things we are truly passionate about!
This new program is 100% FREE to join and ALSO includes...
3 Weeks of LIVE coaching with Mat, Aaron, and me!
BUT there is a catch... you must apply for this beta tester position.
AND be willing to share a testimonial if you got something out of it.​​
In the next few days we will be sending you the application to see if we're a good fit!
Be on the lookout,
Talk soon,
Victor ​
Victor Oddo
HUGE Opportunity!
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