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Remote Work Academy

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Apperception Alliance

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Apperception Academy

Private • 52 • $1/m

Remote Work Lite

Public • 673 • Free

3 contributions to Apperception Alliance
👁️Apperception Academy & What to expect this month
Over the last few months (in monk mode), I’ve been working day and night on a huge project for you guys. One of the big pieces is a Dopamine Control course. Some of you may have noticed the sneak peek inside the classroom section. It is a full guide on how to go from Digital Distraction 📱 to Peak Productivity ✍️ It will cover everything from dopamine, detoxing, digital minimalism, and habits to purpose, direction, goal setting, time management, flow state, deep work, and much more. The other big thing I've been working on is building a new community called Apperception Academy: Gain Focus in A World Of Distractions. Inside the academy, I will personally be hosting a live Q&A session every week where you can pick your brain on whatever you like, monthly planning and reflection rituals, specialized lectures, and more. In addition to those things, the Academy is where you will be able to find the full course for Dopamine Control once it is finished recording. Week One/Module 1 of the course will be COMPLETELY FREE and will be available to everyone inside of Apperception Alliance. I have designed it so that you DO NOT need to upgrade to get insane value out of the course. The first week alone has hours of content inside. Here’s the rundown: Week One: Eliminating Distractions(Dopamine, Detoxing, Digital Minimalism) Week Two: Finding Direction(Vision, Values, Purpose) Week Three: Goals and Priorities(Set Proper Goals, Action Plans, and Resilience) Week Four: Time Management/Self Regulation(Time Auditing, Time Blocking, Essentialism, Reflections) Week Five: Peak Productivity(Deep Work, Flow, Mindset, Energy Management) For those who want to take their productivity and self-development to the next level, you may want to check out Apperception Academy to get the full course, live calls, direct access to me, and many more courses to come.
New comment 2d ago
👁️Apperception Academy & What to expect this month
@Karah Kosino Me too :) It's super nice to see the amazing members, Thank you for your time and dedication
How To Take Back Control Of Your Life: Dopamine Detox Full Guide
Put a lot of work into this one. 30 minutes of pure value (I hope) Check it out and let me know what you think!
New comment 7d ago
How To Take Back Control Of Your Life: Dopamine Detox Full Guide
Thank you for making this
Welcome to the alliance!
Welcome to the Apperception Alliance. So excited to have you here. After doing the action steps (below) i highly recommend you check out the Monk Mode Protocol. It's everything you need to get your goals for 2024 accomplished and there's a section for accountability that shows you how to best use this community. To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name 2. What are your goals for this year and how do you plan to accomplish them? See you in the comments! Community Rules: For this community to be high quality, and maintain its value for all, we have to set some guidelines. Rules: -Don't use Apperception Alliance to self-promote, especially for other communities. Those who self-promote and spam links and other things will be banned. Self-promotion for content is allowed in moderation in the Content Creation section of the chat but nowhere else. -Proofread your posts. Nobody likes reading or responding to posts that were clearly made with low effort. -No harassment. I intend for this community to be a safe place for both men and women on self-improvement. That being said, harassment of any kind will not be tolerated even slightly. Suppose it is brought to my attention that you are making someone uncomfortable either in the chat or privately. In that case, I will personally ban you from the community and report you to the authorities at Skool. -Don't make feedback posts about the community. If you want to make suggestions, use this google form.
Complete action
New comment 19h ago
4 likes • 12d
Hi everyone, I’m Laura, Thank you for accepting me in this lovely community! This year, I’m aiming to secure a remote job to switch universities and plan to move by the end of the year. ❤️ Since I live in the Dominican Republic, earning in US dollars (USD) would be very helpful. It’s not just about the money; my intentions are to switch universities to a virtual one so I can sort of have more freedom and control of my time- and it’s tough to do that with a salary in Dominican Pesos (DOP). If you know any job opportunities that pay at least $10 USD per hour, please think of me. 😊 I also want to complete the 75 Hard challenge and do a media detox because I’m completely addicted to my phone. It's been difficult for me since I don’t always have the willpower to finish what I start.- Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.
1-3 of 3
Laura Encarnación G.
13points to level up
Born to feel.

Active 6h ago
Joined Jun 23, 2024
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