Using The Platform To Attract Clients
In a recent meeting I talked about using to write articles and attract clients. In the meeting post created by @Primoz Lazar I shared my profile so members here could see and explore the kinds of articles I’ve written and explore the platform. Primoz asked me how I find clients on Medium, and this was my response he asked me to copy and paste into its own post. Here’s a few points before the copy… Depending on what you’re already posting on social media, you could copy and paste into Medium with a few adjustments. You can also duplicate what you’re already posting in your website/blog. Googles SEO is much more likely to pick up the Medium article over your blog and have it at the top of searches. This is how it’s worked for my articles. One thing to keep in mind is that SEO never picks up in social media posts, but it does for Medium articles. People will be suggested your articles from Google.This is a MASSIVE resource and free advertising. Here is the copy: I write articles and people who are searching for the information find my articles and then reach out to work with me. I don’t do anything beyond that. If you take a look at my profile, you’ll see all of my articles and the amount of information I provide. This gives people the understanding of who I am and what I’m about, establishes my expert status and builds trust immediately, and they want to learn more from me. What’s really cool is that it’s free to publish on Medium, and you can even monetize your articles and make money. Which I did for a long time, but recently was guided away from that so I could have higher readership, and it has worked! More people are reading my articles and taking my quizzes and assessments which provide me their emails as well. I recently wrote an article about why I’m not monetizing my articles anymore. The point is that I’d used correctly, Medium is a massive gateway to people who are looking for the information you provide.