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Day Trading for Beginners

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23 contributions to Day Trading for Beginners
hi guys thank you for letting me into your community , I've started learning Trading about 6 months on and off , but now im fully focused on being a full time trader , I have listen to Stokes pod cast and got me inspired to become full time, so im looking forward to being part of the group and help out , thanks daz
New comment 27d ago
0 likes • Sep 16
Hi Daz, welcome to the group!
Hi All, Newbie here! I have been working in the film and TV industry quite successfully for the last 25+ years, but am now looking for a way to generate an income that doesn't require 14hr days! I paid for a course last year, but didn't find it particularly helpful. I have a few friends who day trade, but I don't want to be a pest to them! I found Tylers podcast a few weeks ago and have found it really informative, and in a language I can understand (thank you Tyler). Looking forward to my journey over the coming months / years. I am based near London, anyone from the UK?
New comment 27d ago
1 like • Sep 16
Hi Ben, Welcome! I am from the UK, based in Essex. I too am finding it difficult with time at the moment. I started off well, but things have crept in to hold me back at the moment. I still try and catch a podcast / video when I can and still working my way through the technical analysis book, however book learning doesn’t really float my boat! 🤦🏻😂
New Trader
Hi All! My name is Patrick and I am excited to start my journey in day trading. I have dabbled in the stock market since 2007 but didn’t really get anywhere and like most people threw in the towel. I have some capital now to play with and want to eventually retire early from my career and just do day trading to keep a sustainable income. I’m excited to start this journey once again but doing it properly. Looking forward to learning and discussions with you all!
New comment Aug 26
2 likes • Aug 16
Welcome Patrick!
Hi all
So little back ground into on my self, I’m 35 from the UK I current work two jobs I work as a skipper for a company called ABP sailing pilot launch boats only working 140 days a which gives me free time. I also work as an uber driver so I like to keep my self busy. I’ve always been passionate about becoming a day trader, I’ve just not had the correct mental focus and always thought in past that this was a quick subject to learn. I now understand it’s a minimum of 2/3 years just to get to grips with the basics and I not have a plan to go on this joinery. My biggest lessons so far have being not to rush this, and don’t get disheartened and give up, this skill is amazing and give you so many options to which you can take any where in the world but it requires dedication, commitment and you have to change as a person to become a successful day trader, hard work and consistency always pays. If anyone is looking to partner up for accountability please let me know. I am dedicated to this and I know there is no magic bullet just hard work.
New comment Aug 16
1 like • Aug 16
Welcome Steven, I too am from the UK!
How to Tell the Story of a Stock + I Bought a Course
In the WIKI (link below) there is a section called "How to Tell the Story of a Stock", which is an important thing you will need to do before entering any trade. Here is an excerpt from the post: "And that is the story of MSFT. When you look at a chart you need to be able to see the story it is telling you and then judge the price action accordingly. Once you know the story the issue of what is noise and what is real, the question of when to get out and when to stay in, all become much more clear - as it either fits with the story or it doesn't. If you don't know the story then you are looking at numbers without context, and that is always a dangerous way to reach the wrong conclusions." Over the past 6 months or so I have been watching some technical analysts give their commentary on stocks and the market, and I found that Matt, AKA The Great Mattsby to give some great analysis IMO. Now, there are so many people doing this online, and I’m sure there are other great commentators, but I do really feel that Matt knows his stuff. I have been watching his YouTube videos and commentary on X, and he’s been spot on many times. IMO, and remember I’m just a beginner, he knows how to tell the story of a stock and the markets in general. This post from the WIKI about how to tell the story of a stock instantly made me think of Matt. I've been watching a lot of Matt’s analysis, and I recently decided to purchase his course and learn more about technical analysis and his strategy. I don’t know Matt personally and have no affiliation with him, but I’ll link his social media accounts below if you want to learn more. I asked Matt what his edge was and this is what he told me. I’m paraphrasing here: "Recognizing market symmetry on every chart is my edge. When you can do this, you can just let the charts do what they are supposed to do, and trade without emotion. The more you do this the more you will see every chart follows it." Matt is more of a position trader. So he doesn’t day trade. Very simply he buys at support and sells at resistance. He can recognize market symmetry on any chart. He gets excited when stocks are at their support levels and is cautious when things are approaching resistance levels.
New comment Aug 18
4 likes • Aug 16
Excellent, thanks for the tip. Still trying to understand as much technical analysis as I can ATM. Been a struggle to fit it in with work, but figured Rome wasn’t built in a day! Hope everyone else is getting on well!
1-10 of 23
Kieran Winestein
37points to level up
Hi, Im Kieran, I too am embarking on my day trading journey. I am married with 2 children and want to work my way towards financial freedom!

Active 22d ago
Joined Jun 24, 2024
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