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Creator Party

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7 contributions to Creator Party
Advice from those w/ Experience... Content Creation/ Sharing Formats
I thought it would be great to hear about your experiences with different formats of content creation/sharing. Please comment on this to answer the following questions. Q1: What types of (content creation + sharing) have you engaged in over the years? 1. Blogging 2. Podcasting 3. Social Posts 4. Social Lives/Reels 5. YouTube Channel/ Vlogging Something else??? Of the ones you have had experience with, which one was: Q2: The easiest? Q3: The biggest time suck? Q4: The most productive ($, Clients, Lead Gen)? Q5: Recommend one format and tell us why...
New comment Sep '23
2 likes • Sep '23
@Britt Malka
Sweet-Spot Pricing Tips??
Hello Creators! I have noticed some comments out there about pricing as a means to create participation and investment in your program or membership. Could you share at what price point you have tried a course, a coaching program, or a membership and what results you experienced (positive or negative)? For instance, I read that someone had priced their membership at $33/ month and it wasn't worth it because no one was participating. I have seen a few others say that people will pay you $97/ month, but then invest thousands in another coach at the same time. I currently provide 1:1 coaching and will launch a hybrid course/coaching program by the end of 2023. Next year, I am planning to start a membership. So, it would be really helpful to have some data to consider as I figure out pricing. Thanks!!
New comment Aug '23
3 likes • Aug '23
@Mariah Coz A pricing workshop would be awesome! This community has so much value. Definitely getting a lot out of it. Thank you for making it all available and connecting us to one another.
🎧 Podcast Chat: The Difference Between Content Creators & Service Providers
Podcast Chats are where we keep the conversation going and dive deeper into the topics on our podcast episodes! This thread is for the episode, "The Difference Between Content Creators & Service Providers (I'm Niching Down)" 🎧 You can find this episode by searching for The Mariah Coz Show on your favorite podcast app! ➡️ I'd love to know - what did you think? Any insights or takeaways you'd like to share in the comments? Did you resonate with my observations or am I way off-base? In this episode, I am sharing what I’ve observed as some key differences between people who identify as Content Creators and people who identify as Service Providers as their primary identity. Of course there’s tons of overlap, but I’ve noticed that whether you start out as a content creator or service provider *first*, has an impact on your journey towards building a more leveraged digital product or course business (and the challenges you’ll encounter on the way). In that context, I’m sharing how and why I’m niching down to speaking to people who want to embrace their content creator side as a big part of their business - regardless of which path you started on. In this episode, we discuss: - The 2 different types of people who tend to move towards digital product businesses: Content Creators and Service Providers - How your starting point can impact your journey to building a more leveraged business - The unique challenges you may encounter as either a Content Creator identity or a Service Provider identity  - The advantages you have as either a Content Creator or Service Provider as you pursue digital products and a more leveraged education business - How you can embrace the Content Creator approach, even if you started as a Service Provider (and leverage those special skills you have!) - Why audience growth, lead generation and list-building are crucial to building a more leveraged digital product type business - How I personally approach content creation as a more chill, seasonal, low-key endeavor and why consistency isn’t even that important - Why I’m focusing on people who are excited to embrace the Creator mindset and content as a key part of their business, no matter which path they started on!
New comment Aug '23
🎧 Podcast Chat: The Difference Between Content Creators & Service Providers
2 likes • Aug '23
Finally @Mariah Coz! I get it now... I'm a service provider here trying to learn to become a content creator. Duh! Seems so simple and makes so much sense. In fact, my entire career has been focused on providing services (city government professional (services for a community), now city manager coach). So, I'm super comfortable providing services. Lately I've been feeling the struggle and I want you to know that what you said was indeed true... I do know WHAT to do and I even know HOW TO do it, but something has been holding me back from growing my audience and my publicly published content. I believe just being aware of the two hats will help me in making my most successful business... time to put on my service provider hat + time to put on my content creator hat! I mean, I am no stranger to wearing multiple hats... and now I just need to acquire that content creator hat and put it on. :)
Afraid to start an email list...
It feels absolutely ridiculous to write that title... "I'm afraid to start my email list". Why am I afraid? Because once I start the list, I know there's no going back. I will have to regularly create more emails and send them out. Honestly, I can't bear the idea of creating a list where people are just sitting there and I'm not communicating with them. That seems like a good thing, but not when your next thought is... Because there's no way I have that much to say. My entire career and training has been about staying neutral, listening to all sides, coming up with solutions that benefit an entire community. I don't take stands, in fact, I have learned too many times that the answer can be both yes and no, black and white, left and right. I have seen that too often you alienate people when you take a closed view of a matter. So this leaves me with... Because I don't have anything to say that people will want to hear or read. And this my fellow creators is what stops me in my tracks. This is why I am too afraid to start my email list. Please help... Do you have any genuine advice to share that can help me find my voice... so I can make more of an impact without going against what I believe - that there's no one way or point of view that is 100% right?
New comment Aug '23
1 like • Aug '23
@Emily Benson Thanks for simplifying and helping me hack this!!! Your four steps actually feel like something I can do over and over again!
1 like • Aug '23
@Abagail Pumphrey Thanks for giving me this other viewpoint/ perspective to consider. It is very helpful.
What 2 YRS of Building An Automated Creator Business Looks Like In Action
[VERY LONG POST WARNING] Hey all my creatives! I've been taking this time recently to "reflect" on my business and how far it's come along - and I both wanted to celebrate and share what I've learned so far. When I first started this content creator business I made it a point to not do: - meetings/sales calls/etc. - bring on a team (think VA's, manual labor, agencies, etc.) - launches/work with 1:1 or group clients I told myself that if we're going to do this, things have to be different: - Only passive income - Free Calendar - Remove me as a bottleneck & be fully automated. While I was reflecting I decided to "draw out" what my automations look like on a monthly basis. This is both a mixture of marketing/paid channels/list or leads building. I'll explain the "calendar view picture": Monthly I participate in at least one bundle: I recommend you check out: It's been great for me to connect with other creators and contribute my products for free to a bundle opportunity. Bundles have been phenomenal because at a minimum they bring in about 100-200 email subscribers per bundle. *I'll get to how I "monetize" the free bundle traffic later on. Gray = Daily content automation If you're wanting to develop a "high reward skill" I recommend you look at no code with tools like Zapier, Make, Pabbly, etc. -> I prefer Zapier. Essentially I have two years worth of content in an Airtable database and I created an automation where it randomly selects an article within that database and produces content for Pinterest, Twitter, FB, LinkedIn, IG, etc. This daily content automation allows me to be "active" on all channels and drive that traffic to either my: - affiliate marketing products - email list Red = Weekly Affiliate Marketing/Product Promotion I'm heavy into affiliate marketing because I love promoting the tools I love to use within my business - literally you can't get me to "shut up" when I love a product (affiliate marketing allows me to get paid to promote the tools I love).
New comment May 15
What 2 YRS of Building An Automated Creator Business Looks Like In Action
2 likes • Aug '23
@Christina Lopez Thank you thank you thank you! Seeing this helped connect some dots for me plus it was awesome to know that you were successful and that it took 2 years. I'll keep repeating, "I'm not behind, this takes time." :)
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Kellye Mazzoli
42points to level up
I’m a city management coach focused on helping local government professionals get the results they want professionally and personally.

Active 240d ago
Joined Jul 28, 2023
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