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Apperception Alliance

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3 contributions to Apperception Alliance
A meeting I'm running tomorrow. Critiques appreciated.
I do work in sales so there's a bit of sales specific terminology here. Posinegger: Someone who is negative, but covers it with false positive platitudes. "That guy was a total asshole and ruined my day, and it was raining and I got wet, but I still had fun though so it was okay!" Rebuttals: Counterarguments to customers. "I've stuck with this product for a while and I'm just used to it now." "I feel you, and a lot of the people around here felt the same way. I can relate to being stubborn, I'm a Taurus, after all! But what they found is that we can get them a better service that solves those deadspots you've been having for a better price." Who has heard the saying “Rome was not built in a day!” Delaying gratification requires cognitive control. Let’s talk about brains for a moment. The ventral striatum, located in the midbrain, is the part of the limbic system that is the reward center as well as a pleasure center. In other words, it’s your lizard brain. The limbic system will always react to the potential for instant pleasure. You look at the brownie, and now you want the brownie. To override this instinct, the prefrontal cortex, which is also associated with reasoning and rational thought, must be active. As you are aware, the brain is a muscle. Each time you utilize these pathways in your prefrontal cortex, they become stronger. What this means is that every single time you go to the gym, or resist that damn brownie, especially when you do not want to, you are exercising the higher, more evolved part of you. I want you all to think of the idealized version of you. Who is it that you want to be in 10 years? (Engage with audience) Are you going to get there overnight? (No.) The problem is that even though we are aware we will not get there overnight, we punish ourselves when we don’t. Perfection paralysis is a phenomenon that many of us in this room might resonate with. The fear of doing something incorrectly might lead to us not doing anything at all. It stems from an innate fear of failure. The solution is to shift your focus from immediate success to continuous improvement.
What's your "Why?"
A large part of my career is leadership development, and as we all know, no growth comes easy. As the saying goes, "Smooth seas don't make good sailors." I always encourage my staff to find their purpose-- the thing that keeps them pushing forward even when the tides are rough. These usually fall into four categories: Fame, Freedom, Family, and Fortune. Personally, freedom and fortune are mine. What are yours?
New comment Jun 5
Welcome to the alliance!
Welcome to the Apperception Alliance. So excited to have you here. After doing the action steps (below) i highly recommend you check out the Monk Mode Protocol. It's everything you need to get your goals for 2024 accomplished and there's a section for accountability that shows you how to best use this community. To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name 2. What are your goals for this year and how do you plan to accomplish them? See you in the comments! Community Rules: For this community to be high quality, and maintain its value for all, we have to set some guidelines. Rules: -Don't use Apperception Alliance to self-promote, especially for other communities. Those who self-promote and spam links and other things will be banned. Self-promotion for content is allowed in moderation in the Content Creation section of the chat but nowhere else. -Proofread your posts. Nobody likes reading or responding to posts that were clearly made with low effort. -No harassment. I intend for this community to be a safe place for both men and women on self-improvement. That being said, harassment of any kind will not be tolerated even slightly. Suppose it is brought to my attention that you are making someone uncomfortable either in the chat or privately. In that case, I will personally ban you from the community and report you to the authorities at Skool. -Don't make feedback posts about the community. If you want to make suggestions, use this google form.
Complete action
New comment 19h ago
2 likes • Jun 1
My name is Kayani. My goals for this year are to be halfway through my Leadership curriculum, and to expand my personal brand beyond my current organization. I can accomplish the curriculum through consistent, weekly effort. Expanding my brand is a little more difficult, and I believe my first steps towards being a mentor is beginning a channel or account of my own. Happy growing! 😁
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Kayani Occe
12points to level up
just a girl

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Joined May 31, 2024
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