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Prophetic Inner Circle

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23 contributions to Prophetic Inner Circle
Frequency waves
Last night the spiritual atmosphere was so active I felt in my spirit that the intensive is going to be so next level in supernatural frequency. I saw frequency waves like radio satellite. I kept seeing signals coming in. We are the satellite and we are receiving the frequency of Heaven. Get ready fam it's going to be an unusual, unique ride for it's so different from what we have experienced this far. Visions are going to be more clear, dreams more vivid and downloads of strategies, angelic activity more evident and thick in the atmosphere. Time transporting will occur and you will see in advance what God will do the next day, next week, next month. Things that should have taken 10 years will be restored and redeemed in 10mins. For our God is Time there is no boundaries with Him. Believe for the unusual the impossible. Be radical- for He will do it for you for He loves you. Get ready get ready get ready.
New comment Jul 29
0 likes • Jul 29
Let's go!
It’s time for My sheep to come back to My fold
There is a fairy tale called The frog prince. The Lord showed me that many people believe they are a frog, when they are actually a prince. I heard the words “ I need My people to pray for these people, for their lost identity, the enemy has lied and told them they are nothing but a frog, when in fact they have a Royal Identity! “ I heard the words “ They have to stop agreeing with the enemy, the lies he has been telling them about their limitations and has stolen their identities . I then heard these words loudly. “ It’s time to take back those who have been stolen!! IT IS TIME FOR MY SHEEP TO COME BACK TO MY FOLD!! 1 Peter 2:9-10 John : 10:10
New comment Aug 2
0 likes • Jul 29
I heard the words Grow, Grow,Grow!! Right now in this season I am bringing expotential growth to my people. I saw a vision of a seed and it grew into a fully grown flower in seconds. The key to this acceleration in growth is this - I heard the words "Remain in me " . Remain in me and I will remain in you . Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself without remaining in the vine, neiher can you ( bear fruit producing evidence of your faith) unless you remiain in me. I am the vine and you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing . John 15: 4-5 AMP . I heard the words lean in , listen and learn. It is a time right now where you will listen and do. Itsan accelerated time of maturity. I heard this is the time where the dream that has been planted in your heart, that has looked impossible in mans eyes , your skill set, stage of life etc is about to come in to fruition at a fast rate as you stay connected to the vine. I saw the people of God being given skills that were beyond their wildest dreams so they could fulfill their destiny in Christ. hey will received downloads from the Lord and suddenly they will have knowledge and skill in that area. I heard Dream Big!!. " Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalm 37:4. I heard the words, It is time to test the waters.
New comment Jul 29
0 likes • Jul 29
YES!! 🙌 This resonates with me for sure. This is a good word.
A Big Change Is Coming To The Prophetic Altitude Co! 👇
Over the last week, I have been in prayer regarding what the Lord wants to do with this community. God has been tremendously kind in giving me insight, clarity, and direction to create a space where the prophetic flows powerfully and community is significantly established! The Lord began to speak to me about where He wants to take this community and some immediate changes that need to take place. I’m super excited as this is just the beginning, and what God will do is going to truly blow all of our minds! 🤯 Here are the immediate changes taking place: 1. I will be reducing the price of membership to $1 starting next month. That’s right—only $1 to be a part of what we are building here. You will be grandfathered in, so any future price increases will not affect you. Why $1? I would do it completely free, but there needs to be a level of commitment from us to see this community flourish. 2. Our weekly community calls will remain on Fridays at 2:30 PM PST, but they will be more focused on community, connection, and prophetic moments of ministering to one another. 3. The Lord has shown me some e-course material that will equip and teach the body to walk in the fundamentals of the prophetic dimension. I will be actively posting courses and modules. 4. To grow this community, we need to be gatherers of people. I encourage each and every one of you to invite your prophetic community to join in on what we are building. I truly see this as the beginning of a prophetic company of people being established. How can you do this? Just share this link: Lastly, because we have significantly reduced the financial commitment, if you feel led by the Spirit of God to sow into Kingdom Realm Ministries, you can do so here: If you’d like to give to Kingdom Realm Ministries, you can do so via PayPal (Friends & Family) at
New comment Jul 12
1 like • Jul 12
AMEN. I've invited my father and some sweet friends. I believe it what you're fostering here.
New E-Course Released! - How To Sharpen Your Prophetic Ability
Hey Everyone, I have a great surprise for you! I have just released our first e-course on sharpening your prophetic ability in the classroom tab here in The Prophetic Altitude Co! I pray that this short 7-module course blesses you, increases you, and activates you! I would love to hear your feedback. Be blessed, Jack
New comment 21d ago
New E-Course Released! - How To Sharpen Your Prophetic Ability
1 like • Jul 12
I'm so excited. Thank you, @Jack Jensz Jr.
1-10 of 23
Kathleen Drake
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Active 3d ago
Joined Aug 10, 2024
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