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16 contributions to
YouTube Ads Best Practices for scaling in 2023 (Straight from Google's mouth...)
Hey everyone, Recently our agency got hands on Google's new YouTube Ads guide for 2023, which shares ALL the best practices when launching and scaling your campaigns! I've attached it to this post for you to look at, but if you want the short summary, here it is: - Budget: Set a daily budget that is at least 15x tCPA for tCPA campaigns and 10x the expected CPA of your Max conversions campaigns to accelerate campaign ramp-up. - Bidding: Start with tCPA bidding, if you know your video CPA. Use the UI CPA guidance to determine tCPA for Video. If your primary goal is to drive as many conversions as possible through a flighted campaign, start with Maximize Conversions bidding. - Targeting: Start with either "Custom Audiences - search terms" or Remarketing or Customer Match or Similar Audiences and opt-in to “Optimized Targeting” to show your ads to more people who are likely to convert. For Custom Audiences - search terms, use 10-15 of the highest converting search keywords. - Creative: Add sitelinks to your campaign / adgroup OR run multiple creative variants (at least 5 if possible, changing up call to action button, headline text or core video asset) following these tips to optimize creative effectiveness And if you want a longer explanation of this guide from me, where I break down each of those steps more in depth... Read the THREAD I just published on Twitter here: If you have any questions, comment down below! Hope this helps :)
New comment Jul 19
0 likes • Jun '23
@Nick Pifer Becker used to run his funnel that didn't have an opt-in and went straight too a sales letter with booking page on it
0 likes • Jul 19
@Juliana Mandle I've done this and gotten it to work. But I don't find it outperforms having an opt-in. It's great place to send traffic from your email list, group, and DM's because you already have their contact info. But on Paid-ads the opt-in before the VSL I have seen perform better because it solidifies someone's intent, and makes them value the next page a little more. You should consider testing opt-in less when your opt-in rates from paid traffic are 40%+
Need help optimization VSL FUNNEL
I really can't get my ads for my vsl funnel to work. The problem is the optin rate, which is horrible. (5,5%) here are the stats: Last seven days 149 vsl optin page viewer 9 optins. VSL View Page to booked call is 14% which is okay. Tried different headlines on the optin page but results stayed the same. Ad messaging is congruent with optin page headline. Ad Campaign targeting is custom intent with the top 10 intent keywords. My offer is b2c make money opportunity. Ad messaging is: "How you can make more money than I doctor with writing and have location and time freedom Optin page headline is: "How you can use the proven copywriting master system to make more money from home than a doctor with writing" Any ideas what I can improve? I'm in the german market, so I don't know if it helps when I share the link to the funnel.
New comment Mar 21
0 likes • Mar 12
@Michael Schafhauser
I have Good news & Bad news...
Okay Ad Men, I have some good news and bad news... The good news is... We're officially 1-week away from our Free Skool Community's 1-year anniversary! Can you believe it? It's almost been an entire YEAR since we launched this Free Skool Community to the public... And to date, we've grown to over 3,600+ members! All of which are coaches, course creators, and agency owners who just like YOU, want to learn how to create and run profitable YouTube Ads too... But now, the BAD news... This Sunday, March 3rd... we will be removing anyone in our Skool community who hasn't been active in the last 6-months! And by being active, I mean you've actually logged in to the community, liked or commented on someone else's post, made a post of your own, OR simply watched some of the FREE course content inside of the classroom. The reason we're doing this? Simple... We want to clean up our community to make sure that everyone who's in there, actually wants to be there. So if you're reading this, and you may have once joined, but are no longer active... And you still want to keep: 💰 Instant Access To Our Agency's 7-Figure YouTube Ads Mini-Course Which Gives You Step-By-Step Instructions To Creating High-ROI YouTube Ads (Including Our Script Template, Swipe File, And VSL Frameworks!) 💰 BONUS Live Ad Account Audits - See Us Review Real Client's Ad Accounts, Campaigns, Targeting, AND Creatives To Help Them Optimize & Scale 💰 SECRET BONUS: A ‘Peek' Behind The Scenes’ At Our ‘Ad Men Mastermind’ Where You’ll Connect + Collaborate With My Team (As If It Were Yours) PLUS have the ability to ask me and my team questions, network with the other members, and learn more advanced scaling strategies for 2024... Then show us that you still want to be apart of the community by... #1) Liking or commenting on someone else's post... OR #2) Creating a post of your own and sharing your BIGGEST persona/professional WIN since the start of 2024! Again, the whole reason we created this community in the first place was to bring more coaches, course creators, and agency owners together, so that we can all help each other grow faster and further by learning from each another!Because our mission here at Adspend is to:
New comment Mar 3
3 likes • Feb 26
* rises 200 spaces on skool discovery page*
Paid Ads + MRR Group = Money Printer 🤑 (25x ROAS)
Hope y'all are doing well. Writing this post to share what's possible with paid ads to a low-ticket group.... Last month I ran paid ads for a client on Facebook and we got INSANE returns. I know this isn't a group for FB ads... but sharing for anyone considering running ads for their group. 📈 *Campaign Breakdown* Amount Spent: $547.14 Cash collected total: $26,495 Cash collected (subtract promo day): $16,225 Total ROAS: 48.4 Total ROAS (subtract promo day): 29.7 ROAS (subtract setup fee): 25.1 ------------------------------------------- Target ROAS: 3-4 Actual ROAS: 25.1 Total profit MRR: $13,177.86 6 m/o = $79,067.16 12 m/o = $158,134.32 ------------------------------------------- ⚠️ NOTE: Not all sales were came from my media buying efforts, but the majority were. Also the screenshot from FB's dashboard doesn't include spend in campaigns that were deleted. ❌ Conversion Tracking: Facebook was not able to track the majority of our conversions and we weren't running Hyros at the time either. However we were strict in managing where and when we were promoting to understand our campaigns impact. 📆 This came from a 1 week push in combination with a light instagram campaign promoting the same offer. 🏆 Conclusion - Paid ads to low-ticket groups in tandem with an organic following IS the new and most effective model for fast ROI's that I've seen in info. 🔀 Outside of this client, there's 2 others i'm working with who are both abandoning their higher ticket $5-10k programs for the juicy returns and predictability that low-ticket MRR produces. 🧠 Any questions, ask below! Willing to share all that I did & experimented to get these returns!
New comment Jan 24
Paid Ads + MRR Group = Money Printer 🤑 (25x ROAS)
0 likes • Jan 23
@Paul Phoenix They had to click through to see the offer
0 likes • Jan 23
@Robert Zinke Instagram re-targeting
Conversion Tracking? (Paid Ads 🔀 Skool)
Working with an influencer on a marketing campaign to promote his group. We want to keep things as lean as possible so customer experience is seamless. However am wondering if there's a good way to make sure our sales & ads platform communicate properly. Skool doesn't yet allow for embed codes to be on our "about" pages, so am curious to know if there's another way than using zapier or other API integrations. Have any of you have run paid ads directly to a skool group? if so... What would you recommend using for tracking conversion actions back into the ads platform?
New comment Oct '23
0 likes • Oct '23
RE: You can use zapier to pass membership questions back as an offline conversion. Going to test this and see what it produces.... will keep updating as I go
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Kaleb McCullough
27points to level up
Fractional Sales Consulting 🤝

Active 1d ago
Joined Feb 2, 2023
United States
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