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187 contributions to Skool Community
Is there a limit on how many courses you can have in one community ?
I have separate templates and ebooks I’m not sure if I will have to bundle them.
New comment 5d ago
1 like • 5d
I don't think you can hit the limit
Who else celebrates the little wins?!
I just sold my first PAID membership today. And then sold my second! Now I’m on my way to go hang out with my 2nd student in real life here in Arizona!
New comment 7d ago
Who else celebrates the little wins?!
0 likes • 9d
Congrats!! @Jon Myers
Clarity of me and my work.
Hello, I’m Dr. Rao Kolusu, a dedicated physician with over four decades of experience in internal medicine and the founder of Be A Pal, LLC. My life’s work integrates modern medical practices with ancient wisdom to promote holistic wellness and a deeper understanding of true well-being. I find immense joy in guiding others to achieve clarity and fulfillment by addressing the roots of suffering. Through present moment awareness and shedding false identities, I’ve discovered lasting peace, harmony, and joy. This journey has not only transformed my life but also empowered me to help others find a path free from suffering and filled with genuine fulfillment. My intention is to share this clarity and understanding with you, hoping it brings you the same peace and joy that I’ve experienced. Together, we can contribute to a more compassionate and harmonious world. Warm regards, Dr. Rao Kolusu
New comment May 24
Clarity of me and my work.
1 like • May 23
Amazing @Rao Kolusu
What is the longest comment you can leave on Skool?
Lets test this out.. Leave a LONNNNNNNNNNNNNNG comment.
New comment May 17
What is the longest comment you can leave on Skool?
0 likes • May 17
You know, there's something incredibly fascinating about the concept of nothingness. It's a topic that has intrigued philosophers, scientists, and thinkers for centuries, yet it remains one of the most elusive and abstract ideas we can ponder. The very idea of nothing—complete and utter absence—is paradoxical. We can't truly conceive of "nothing" because, in our reality, there's always something. Even in the vast emptiness of space, there are particles, waves, and forces at play. It's a conundrum that challenges our understanding of existence and non-existence. When you think about it, nothing is as much a part of our lives as something. Take a moment to consider the spaces between words in a sentence. These gaps, these absences, are what give structure and meaning to the text. Without them, everything would be a jumbled mess, incomprehensible and chaotic. Similarly, the concept of zero in mathematics represents a point of origin, a baseline from which we measure and understand all other values. Zero, the numerical symbol of nothing, is integral to our understanding of quantity and value. On a more philosophical level, nothingness plays a crucial role in our perception of time and space. The idea of a vacuum, a space devoid of matter, allows us to conceptualize the cosmos and the fundamental forces that govern it. Even black holes, those enigmatic celestial objects, are defined by the absence of light and matter within their event horizons. These phenomena challenge our understanding of physics and push the boundaries of what we know about the universe. In daily life, we often take for granted the concept of nothingness. Consider the moments of silence that punctuate our conversations, the pauses that give us time to reflect and respond. These pauses, these brief instances of nothing, are essential for meaningful communication. They allow us to process information, to gather our thoughts, and to connect with others on a deeper level. Without these pauses, our interactions would be rushed and superficial, lacking the depth and nuance that make human connection so rich and rewarding.
0 likes • May 17
Sure! Here is a lengthy comment about --- is a fascinating platform that has revolutionized the way we think about online learning communities. The concept behind is simple yet profound: to create a space where people can learn, connect, and grow together in a supportive and engaging environment. This platform stands out because it combines the best elements of social media, online courses, and community forums into one cohesive experience. One of the key features of is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for users to navigate and find the content they need. The design is clean and intuitive, with a focus on accessibility and ease of use. Whether you're a seasoned online learner or new to the world of digital education, ensures that you can quickly get up to speed and start making the most of its features. The heart of lies in its communities. These are groups of like-minded individuals who come together to share knowledge, ask questions, and support each other's learning journeys. Each community is centered around a specific topic or interest, ranging from entrepreneurship and personal development to arts and sciences. This diversity of communities means that there's something for everyone, no matter what your interests or goals might be. One of the standout aspects of is the quality of the content available on the platform. Courses and resources are created by experts in their fields, ensuring that you receive high-quality, reliable information. These experts are often industry leaders, professionals, and educators with years of experience and a passion for teaching. This means that when you join a community on, you're not just learning from your peers but also gaining insights from some of the best minds in the business.
Intro and connection 👋
What’s up people! I'm Chico, and I'm excited to introduce myself and the Male Mental Health Program to you.🌳 It's no secret that male mental health is on the decline, with many young men reporting feelings of loneliness and a lack of connection. I've personally experienced this, and I know how tough it can be. That's why I've created this community – to provide a space where young guys can uplift each other and begin their journey to a happier, healthier future. Would love to hear some advice and connect with people. Thank you 🙏
New comment May 18
1 like • May 17
@Chico Zhivko Zhelev Hey Chico! Welcome, and thanks for sharing about the Male Mental Health Program. It sounds like a fantastic initiative. Here are a few questions to get the conversation started: 1. What inspired you to start the Male Mental Health Program, and how has your personal experience shaped the way you approach mental health support for young men? 2. Can you share some specific strategies or activities that the community engages in to help young men feel more connected and supported? 3. What are your long-term goals for the program, and how do you envision it growing and impacting the lives of more young men in the future? Looking forward to connecting and learning more!
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Joe Apfelbaum
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