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The Wing Chun Academy

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10 contributions to The Wing Chun Academy
It’s never the thing that is the thing!!
Whenever we get angry, upset or experience any kind of emotion (negative or positive), the common reaction is to Blame/give credit to the person, place or situation for how we feel.. From a more conscious perspective, we begin to realise that nothing outside of ourselves can make us feel a certain way! We have the energy within us (frustration, anger, sadness, guilt etc) and we project it onto people, places, things in our environment. Once we start to take responsibility for our energy/how we feel, we can begin to let it go and set ourselves free from it.. This is called, Personal Power!!! 🙏🙏🙏
New comment 1d ago
It’s never the thing that is the thing!!
4 likes • 3d
A daily practice, sometimes forgotten but not long before I change it to the better
⭐️ ACIM ⭐️
Lesson 1 Nothing I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] means anything. 1. Now look slowly around you, and practice applying this idea very specifically to whatever you see: ²This table does not mean anything. ³This chair does not mean anything. ⁴This hand does not mean anything. ⁵This foot does not mean anything. ⁶This pen does not mean anything. 2. Then look farther away from your immediate area, and apply the idea to a wider range: ²That door does not mean anything. ³That body does not mean anything. ⁴That lamp does not mean anything. ⁵That sign does not mean anything. ⁶That shadow does not mean anything. 3. Notice that these statements are not arranged in any order, and make no allowance for differences in the kinds of things to which they are applied. ²That is the purpose of the exercise. ³The statement should merely be applied to anything you see. ⁴As you practice the idea for the day, use it totally indiscriminately. ⁵Do not attempt to apply it to everything you see, for these exercises should not become ritualistic. ⁶Only be sure that nothing you see is specifically excluded. ⁷One thing is like another as far as the application of the idea is concerned. 4. Each of the first three lessons should not be done more than twice a day each, preferably morning and evening. ²Nor should they be attempted for more than a minute or so, unless that entails a sense of hurry. ³A comfortable sense of leisure is essential. (ACIM, W-1.1:1–4:3)
New comment 7d ago
⭐️ ACIM ⭐️
2 likes • 12d
I’ve read these many times, the link also has the audio, I have listened many times, usually at the end of the day, oddly it helps relax my mind and sleep better. My housemate has also joined in with these lessons. I can sense a difference in him. So thank you Sifu, from both of us🙏🏼
2 likes • 8d
@Melissa Cogan how are you feeling now? I've been catching up with live replays and seen that you to have been under the weather. Thank you for your support and encouragement on this journey❤🙏
👊 Live Training Sessions are back on tomorrow ☯️
Look forward to seeing your awesome faces 🕊️
New comment 10d ago
👊 Live Training Sessions are back on tomorrow ☯️
3 likes • 11d
Are you feeling better now Sifu?
0 likes • 10d
@Sifu John Cogan great stuff⭐🙏
We are on in 5 🤩 Wakey Wakey ❤️
See you soon 🏆
New comment 10d ago
4 likes • 10d
Sorry, I really have to get some sleep, up at 0430. Have a great session everyone 🙏🏼
☯️ The Hidden Power Of Siu Nim Tao ☯️
Siu Nim Tao is the first form of Wing Chun, it holds many secrets to our internal power including all the components of “The State”. Below is an article written by my teacher who was a senior disciple of Ip Man ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IN THE BEGINNING My master Yip Man first started teaching Ving Tsun in Hong Kong at the Restaurant Worker’s Union Association. At the time I was the secretary of the association, so Master Yip and I had many opportunities to be together. Before I became interested in Ving Tsun, I often overheard Master Yip explaining his Ving Tsun theories in his classes. Gradually he sparked my interest in the art. It so happened that I had great interest in physics and mechanics; I enjoyed his theories on body structure and power development methods very much. Through my careful analysis, I was convinced that Master Yip’s art was flawless and very advanced. Finally, I decided to follow Master Yip and became his student. Like every beginner in class, I started my journey with Siu Nim Tau, even though I had already familiarized myself with the form as an observer. It took me little effort to completely learn the basic movements. I then began to wonder about the essence of the form, besides the hand movements. I went to Master Yip and inquired about the meaning of Siu Nim Tau, especially the non-combative tone in the name. Master Yip replied: “This is about Lop Nim — to establish an idea in the mind”. I am sure most of my peers have also heard about this term. Master Yip also added that it required prolonged practice of this form to truly master the essence of lop nim. “IN MY EXPERIENCE, BONG SAU CAN DELIVER ENORMOUS OFFENSIVE POWER.” This hidden meaning of lop nim really caught my interest. I spent much time analyzing its nature, but could still not grasp the concept. Therefore I decided to drop all my thoughts and simply practiced Siu Nim Tau whenever I could, day and night. After a long time, I began to see the connection between lop nim and the form. I suddenly felt great joy in my Ving Tsun training, which fueled my interest in the art further. I became obsessed with the art. Gradually I discovered some powerful but hidden forces within each Siu Nim Tau movement. All the movements are indeed able to deliver indestructible power, yet they look very soft and graceful. At that moment, the concept of lop nim became extremely enlightening and inspiring to me. I finally understood the reason behind it.
12 members have voted
New comment 8d ago
5 likes • 12d
An interesting article, I enjoyed reading it.
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Jess Mills
19points to level up
I'm Jess, from the UK, near Stonehenge wanted to learn wing chun since a friend challenged me to get past his blocking. Excited, so Let's get started.

Active 14h ago
Joined Jun 9, 2024
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