It’s never the thing that is the thing!!
Whenever we get angry, upset or experience any kind of emotion (negative or positive), the common reaction is to Blame/give credit to the person, place or situation for how we feel..
From a more conscious perspective, we begin to realise that nothing outside of ourselves can make us feel a certain way!
We have the energy within us (frustration, anger, sadness, guilt etc) and we project it onto people, places, things in our environment.
Once we start to take responsibility for our energy/how we feel, we can begin to let it go and set ourselves free from it..
This is called, Personal Power!!!
Melissa Cogan
It’s never the thing that is the thing!!
The Wing Chun Academy
☯️ Be Peaceful, Be Powerful & Find Freedom 🔥
🧘‍♂️ Through Kung Fu & Meditation 🥋
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