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Free Kettlebell Transformation

Public • 1.8k • Free

Kettlebell Academy

Private • 166 • $47/m

9 contributions to Free Kettlebell Transformation
Where to go fro here?
Looking for advice/reccomendations. Finished the 4 week flagship today! Using 53lb KB as medium and 70lb KB as heavy. Wondering if I should keep scaling up in volume with the same bells or move up in weight and starting the flagship over? 160 swings @ 16 swings EMOM for 10 mins w/ 53# felt good. (6 out of 10 if 10 is Max effort). 100 swings w/ 2 medium and 8 Heavy also a 6 out of 10. Get ups w/ the 70# feel good. Also considering including an additional movement into the flow (cleans or snatches). End goal is to get lean. Tracking MACROS and calorie intake. Lost 10lbs in the first 2 weeks, but the weight loss Plato’d since. Appreciate any insight/perspective. Thank you Jeff
New comment Feb 25
0 likes • Feb 20
Thanks Jacob, sound advice
0 likes • Feb 25
Can’t wait. Thank you!!!
Flagship Upper Body Ladder: A Novel Translation
I have been consistently analyzing the paradigms and frameworks shared by KT on social media, and it's an understatement to say that they contain a treasure chest of training pearls. While they provide the necessary methods for training and progression across multiple movements, further dissection is required to identify the essential and implied tasks needed to create a complete lifelong training regimen. This can only be achieved if individuals are committed and clearly defined their short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals. After dedicating 150 days to the Flagship model, I wanted to incorporate my 35 years of various training experiences and models from other disciplines into KT's approach. As a result, I have created a novel 12-week program founded on the Flagship model. I have translated the roadmap to the 48kg getup and an upper body-focused KB press/pull ladder strategy into the flagship model. The core elements of the Flagship model remain the same: train four times a week, with sessions that last less than 50 minutes, and include an optional "Finisher" for those days when you want to push yourself further. I am excited about this block of training and the strength to follow! Stay tuned here for training updates. ⚒️
New comment Mar 20
1 like • Jan 25
@Ak Svercek thank you for the explanation. Keep crushing it!
1 like • Jan 30
AK, you are rocking it man! Thanks for the good info.
Been struggling to find the time
I have two small children and a wife that works shift work. So I’ve been getting into that habit that whenever I have 20-30 min of some downtime in the evening to just push myself to get to swinging the bells. Even if it’s not a great workout, something is better than nothing.
New comment Jan 29
4 likes • Jan 26
Rent is due every day (well at least 4 time/week) I have to wake up early before every one else to pay rent. If I don’t it does not happen.
Where are you from? Starkvegas, MS What's your nickname? What Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? Swing Least Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? Any lunges What do you need immediate help with inside this community?
New comment Jan 24
3 likes • Jan 24
Hail State!
Hello KB enthusiast
Where are you from? Tulsa, Ok What's your nickname? Big T Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? Swings Least Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? Turkish get up What do you need immediate help with inside this community? Programming. Interested in some work out template. What exercises to do, how many reps/time, and sets?
New comment Feb 15
3 likes • Jan 23
Trenton, welcome. I am new too and have the same questions. I think once you level up by getting 5 likes you will get access to more in the classroom area.
1-9 of 9
Jeff Davis
26points to level up
Let’s get swole

Active 2d ago
Joined Jan 18, 2024
O’Fallon Il
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