Thinking about offering a sign on bonus?
It seems straightforward. Offer good money and get good techs. But it's not always that easy. Here's a little tutorial on offering a sign on bonus for an auto or diesel tech. Sign On Bonuses 101: If you don't need to offer one to be competitive in your area, don't. This isn't going to be a dealbreaker for a strong candidate who resonates with your culture. 1. Don't offer anything ridiculous like $10,000 - $15,000 in your ads. Most techs have been or know someone who has been burned by this dealer scam. They know they will never see this $ and it's total B.S. It will hurt your reputation. 2. If you are negotiating with a tech one-on-one, you can offer anything you both agree to that sounds fair. 3. If you are running an ad that lots of techs will see, $2K - $5K is the sweet spot. 4. Pay out a portion when the box drops then the remainder over 30 / 60 / 90 days. Sign on bonuses grab attention but they won't be the primary deciding factor for the right candidate. #Jobs #Staffing #Employment #StaffingAgency #Repair #Auto #Hiring #Automotive #Mechanic #Technician #TechnicianFind #AutoRepair #AutoRepairShop