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Owned by Jake

Kelsick Kite & Wing Crew

Public • 141 • Free

A Kiteboarding & Wingfoiling Gold Mine! Progress Your Skills & Learn How To Ride Full Time 🌬️🏄🏼

Content Pro

Private • 6 • Free

Go from Zero to 100K on Instagram 📈 and build a personal brand that prints 💸


The Skool Games

Private • 18.2k • Free

Skool Community

Public • 138.3k • Paid

The Family

Private • 55 • $999/m


Private • 668 • $197/m (FREE)

Public • 6.2k • Free

Content Academy

Public • 7.3k • Free


Public • 615 • Free

Underwave Training

Public • 308 • Free

6 contributions to (FREE)
Want To Go Viral On Instagram? 🚀
I have been making content online for over a decade and have grown my account to just under 100K reaching over 20M people in a very small watersports niche. If you'd like to build a personal brand online and create an evergreen lead flow machine. Comment "Viral" and I'll dm you the exact blueprint I use to create a cult like following.
New comment 13d ago
Want To Go Viral On Instagram? 🚀
0 likes • 13d
@Nikhil H Cheaaaah buddy! The blueprint is in your DM 🙌🏻
1 like • 13d
@John McMeniman blueprint sent! Look forward to seeing it in action!
Target 1 Achieved
Thanks @Ted Carr and community Hit my first target with my paid community $1k monthly revenue in my $20 low ticket group. Group is 8 weeks old. Learning every day. Onto the next goal! 👍👍👍
New comment Apr 29
3 likes • Mar 7
Man so cool! Would love to hear how you got it started! Checked out your youtube super cool stuff!
3 likes • Apr 29
Let’s hear some updates. Would be really interested to learn about your flow to get people form your free to the paid community. And if you ever have people jump straight into the paid.
No audience? You can still make over $10,000/m by implementing the fundamentals.
Watch this to learn how Matt did it. And if you need help setting up your offer & Skool community like Matt did, just DM me the word SKOOL and we can hop on Zoom and set you up for free.
New comment Apr 26
1 like • Apr 26
Whoop! Interesting angle. Thanks for sharing boss!
💰 How I made 8k in 1 hour
So I had a major win 24hrs ago. And the success hasn't stopped since. AND the single largest contributor was @Ted Carr and his right hand dude behind the scenes @Benny D It was weeks of planning and months of work. Maybe even years of stress. FYI BTW, I have been attempting to launch and relaunch online communities with almost no success for almost 4 years. It's embarrassing how many platforms I've tried, how many offers I've had, and how many times I invited EVERYONE i knew to join... Only to find that something was missing and moving it all and restarting. Again. and again. This time tho, @Jeffrey Buoncristiano introduced me to Ted. Ted started the ball rolling by pointing out that my web design was the best hed seen. I used to web design as one of my first companies out of college, that but in its form it was boring and unscalable and had never considered it again. Its turned out that he was right! There were massive things i was missing right under my nose. 2.5 months later, 1 month after Ted won, i also hit the skool leaderboard. And Ted became my first client. i wont forget what he said. he said "often the most successful businesses can be boring." Thanks T man for doing what you do. I owe my success to you.
New comment Apr 15
💰 How I made 8k in 1 hour
4 likes • Apr 6
Waaaht no way dude! Stoked for ya!
1 like • Apr 5
10k a month is 🤯
1 like • Apr 5
@Zofia Delauzun keep going girl. It’s all about the reps 💪🏻
1-6 of 6
I help people shred 🏄🏼 and build a personal brand that makes 💰

Active 1m ago
Joined Feb 24, 2024
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