⚙️ Setting Up Payments and Domain Configuration for PDF Chat Challenge: Help Needed 💻
Hello everyone! 👋 I have completed the 5-Day Full Stack Developer AI SaaS Challenge and my application is ready in test mode. 🚀 I have already purchased the domain for this project: pdfchatchallenge.com. 🌐 I just need to set up payment acceptance and make it work on my domain. That part we haven't covered yet. 🤔 Could someone please help me with this? 🙏 First question: About Stripe: Aside from completing my business profile at https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/dashboard, is there anything else I need to do to set up my Stripe account to start receiving payments? 💳 Second question: About Vercel: At https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/dashboard, is there any key I need to change to receive payments to my account? 🔑 Third question: About Cloud Firestore: At https://console.firebase.google.com, is there anything I need to do to start receiving payments to my account? ☁️ Fourth question: About Pinecone: At https://app.pinecone.io, is there something I need to set up to start receiving payments to my account? 📈 Fifth question: About Clerk: At https://dashboard.clerk.com/, is there anything I need to configure to start receiving payments? 🛠️ Sixth question: About Google Cloud: At https://console.cloud.google.com, is there something I need to set up to receive payments to my account? ☁️💼 Seventh question: I purchased the domain pdfchatchallenge.com at https://www.namecheap.com/. What do I need to do to get my project working on my domain pdfchatchallenge.com? Should I do this through Vercel or Netlify (https://www.netlify.com/)? 🌐 Thank you in advance! 😊