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Breathx Underground

Public • 86 • Free

4 contributions to Breathx Underground
Introduce Yourself!
Please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know… #1 - Who are you, where are you from, what do you do for work? #2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community? What is your current struggle? #3 - What is one interesting fact about you? I'll go first... #1 - My name is Ryan Carroll, I am from St Petersburg, Florida. I currently live in Santa Teresa Costa Rica. My business is my life's passion. I want to share the power of the breath and the methods I have personally benefitted from massively with the world. #2 - What I want out of this community is to be of service... I want to connect, build community, learn about you, and help guide you on your path of growth the best I can. #3 - I love backcountry camping and solitude in nature. One of my favorite offerings I have is leading vision quests.
New comment 28d ago
Introduce Yourself!
2 likes • Jul 27
It keeps booting me out of my post, so I'll finish here. #3. My favorite thing is working with people on improving their overall well-being and seeing their results. Watching someone light up with excitement is the greatest!
2 likes • Jul 30
@D K Wow! From Jersey to SoCal, that's a jump! I'm in Utah but grew up in SoCal, Simi Valley. I deal with being triggered into PTSD episodes. It's taken me years to learn to deal with it and be "normal." Keep doing the work to find what helps you. It's so worth it!
Happy Monday! Save the Date.
Morning everyone! It's been amazing seeing everyone coming in over the past few days and sharing your stories. I will be going around and finishing reading them today. A few things to remember; 1. The more comments you make and good content you create the higher your rank will go which will allow you to access more content. Level 2 only takes 5 points (from likes and comments of other members). 2. Go through your breath assessment and share your results! It helps us understand where we are and the potential we can reach. Lets normalize our differences and paths on this journey. 3. Go to the "Calendar" tab and "add event to calendar" so you can be sure not to miss our very first call. I'd love to have a big ground in there! Drop any questions you have here, any topics I can deep dive for you, and let me know how I can support this group best. Thank you again for being apart of this. ❤️‍🔥
New comment Aug 4
1 like • Jul 30
I need to schedule a call but I just started a new job and my time is limited. How long does a call take, so I can schedule it properly?
Nervous System question
What works best for you to calm down your nervous system? I am curious to see what supports you. I want to learn something new. For me it's deep breaths.
New comment Aug 9
Nervous System question
2 likes • Jul 28
It depends on where I'm at. In public, deep breaths. Three good ones with my hand in a first over my heart if I'm about to panic. In the car, good music and fuller breathing or singing. At home, good music, singing or Ryan's archetype breathwork with meditation.
Welcome to the Breathx Underground 🫁 Start Here!
🫁 WELCOME 👋🏽 AND YOUR FIRST 5 STEPS... (Take 1 min to read this entire post so you know how to UNLOCK all our resources) First of all... Thank you for deciding to be part of this community... Where I hope to help show you all the ways you can take back your health through the lens of biology first approaches - the breath and ancestral lifestyle practices. ❤️‍🔥 These practices have helped myself and many other clients overcome chronic anxiety, manage stress, reduce or eliminate depressive episodes. They have also helped people gain clear vision of their future and the exact steps to get there. And at the physiological level, clients have come home to their bodies, lost weight, recovered from lifelong pain and conquered eating disorders. ❤️‍🔥 The goal of the Breathx Underground Free community is to show you that you have the tools and strength to achieve this with your own will and knowledge. The last part and one of the most important aspects of total health is having a supportive community. That is where this group comes in. Ask questions, show up to calls, and answer questions from others you may have insight on... But that being said We will regularly ... 1️⃣ Clear out members who are not active or engaged 2️⃣ Decline about 30% of people who request to join our community and also shut down the community during monthly challenges to focus on the core community. 3️⃣ Delete posts that are low value or quality. This also isn’t a place to promote your business or offers, but we do welcome your insights. We will delete all promotional posts. So welcome to the community and thank you for being a contribution and participating. Your results are not going to come from watching our content... they are going to come from engaging, asking questions and TAKING ACTION!! In order to RELEASE the Courses & Resources in our vault you need to take 5 Initial Action Steps. ✅ Step #1) WATCH THIS WALK THROUGH VIDEO
New comment 16d ago
1 like • Jul 27
1-4 of 4
Heather Curry
5points to level up
I'm always learning and growing. I love collaborating with others to find the best way to bring happiness to myself and those around me.

Active 49d ago
Joined Jul 27, 2024
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