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Zhang University (Free)

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Agency World

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AI Collective

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$10K/Mo Agency Owners

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Building in public by Daniel

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The Entrepreneur Group

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Automation Incubator™

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High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

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The Growth Formula

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95 contributions to The 4D Copywriting Community
Cold calling simplified
Let me tell you how to win with cold calling. Volume negates luck. Therefore you need to stop cold calling yourself. I want you to hire at least 3 cold callers. You can look at Skool or Facebook groups. Egyptians have the best accent from there Because without a good accent, your screwed. Just imagine you get cold called, what’s gonna turn you off and end the call right away? If you can’t get past the first 3 words then good luck. When you find the right candidates, have an interview process. Following that have your SOP’s and get them onboarded and trained. If you get at least 5, you can leverage a dialer I made 18k cold calls in 9 days Have your lead list scraped (use chrome data scraper) Upload sheet into dialer and then have your callers start from there Work on scripts and look to get something with proven results. From there, use communication channels such as slack to keep in contact. And from there volume will negate luck. If you need more appointment flow, you need more points of contact Deal flow then comes from appointment flow. Don’t underestimate the power of cold calling Best part is you don’t need to do it yourself (I’d rather eat glass) I have a full doc covering it, just comment ‘cold call’ and I don’t mind sending it over
Cold calling simplified
Easiest way I scaled
The biggest win I ever took in business, was charging 5 figures But you are so close minded where you think there's no way you could charge someone more than $1000-$2000. The second you realise that there's an abundance of money out in the world When you're surrounded by living proof of people who are no smarter or talented than you signing $70,000+ deals (but yes they work harder than you) Even taking 50% of startups projected to be making 7 figure months by early 2025 So are you still gonna stay within your mindset that $1000 is your limit? FUCK NO. I’ve had people in my network charge $50,000 for an hour of their time… And people make less than that in a year. Once you manage to change every belief you've ever had about money, your life will change. You need to first have the belief that your service is worth 5 figures in order to convey your offer with conviction. Thus it's very much beneficial to have a good offer, duh. When you begin to charge premium prices, you can't just change pricing strategy without the mindset shift. Easiest way to double your income, is double your prices. The mindset reinforces your own self belief about your business and aligns with both your goals and growth. Let me help you justify having the balls to increase your pricing. My service changes both my clients business and their life, it's not some bs crap offer. And that’s why I enjoy AI infrastructures so much We can take companies from scratch to 7 figures in a few months provided they have the funds. Your mindset needs to change for your own sanity… Because I dropped out of uni the second I found out someone in my network can earn more in an hour than I would’ve in a year Time after time again I noticed the cheapest clients always thought they knew it all and simply couldn't take on any advice… or when they try chargeback cause they did no work on their end That’s why I literally moved into the ai infrastructure space For your own sanity and your business, learning how to charge more and position yourself better will change your life.
Easiest way I scaled
I have so much fun
Every day, I don’t care if I work 12-16 hour days. I love it. And that’s only because of how I’ve set my business up. If I was cold calling myself I’d hate my life lol But instead I’ve set up my business in a way where I do what I love. Acquisition? - i have come cold teams - i have DM automations getting set up - Ads will be up (when my accounts not disabled lol) And then I get to make my own content which I love. After that I just hop on calls which I absolutely love. Whether it’s a networking call, meeting new people and building new connections which I promise long term will change your life. Or sales calls which I love. The target clientele are high ticket, aren’t scared to invest $15,000 and also know other well connected people. Then I don’t need to worry about appt setters when we have voice agents developed and integrated into the company. I can’t wait for everything to only get bigger & better The business is great, it’s growing, and my plans for life and business ventures are only expanding on daily basis
New comment 23h ago
Landing clients made ez
To get money, you need clients. If you want clients, you need to book appointments To get appointments people need to know you exist. For that to happen, you need to increase points of contact. Now I’m going to quickly show you everything about client acquisition in a condensed format There’s only 4 ways to get clients Cold outreach Paid ads Content Referrals Referrals is self explanatory, do a good job for your clients and they’ll tell their friends, however if you don’t have clients don’t worry. Next is paid ads, very useful, amazing to scale, if you don’t have the budget (3-6k) don’t bother starting yet. Next we’re left with content and cold outreach. Content is 90% of the sales funnel, post straight away, people buy from people they know, like and trust. Become that authoritative figure in the market place. I promise you people won’t buy from you without proof of who you are and what you do. Especially 5 figure deals… It takes 7-8 hours of content (with value) for someone to trust you and be sold. Have at least 7-8 hours of content posted. Post value your ideal customer profile (ICP) wants to see. Next cold outreach: Find where your ICP hangs out (focus on DMs or calls). Next leverage a team to multiply this… Stop doing 50 calls yourself, hire a team and get 1000+ points of contact. Look at skool and Facebook primarily. Hire, onboard, train and have sop’s and target KPI’s Maximize the output, focus on valuable content and after a few deals run ads. Once you scale them, land a few more clients, get some case studies for social proof. Then the referrals come over time. Now if you listen to me, your calendar can look like this soon :) Comment ‘client’ if you need the full client acquisition doc Really hope that post helped lol
New comment 1d ago
Landing clients made ez
My life changed
One thing I want to say is, life comes at you fast. 75 Days ago, lost and stressing in life... Entering my 4th and final year of university studying accounting & finance. Ive been trying to make the entrepreneur space work for ages, yet failing. All of a sudden, I surrounded myself with a new crowd, people who were where i wanted to be, and I managed to get guided. I took risks, I bankrupt myself to make it work. Stressing at the final chance of making it work, fast forward to today. I've never been so excited for life... The opportunities are endless, clients Im proud of, and the network ive gained. University? Dropped out lol. In the 5 figures now with the aim to make it 6 figures very early 2025. The fact that I even got things up and running within a 7 day timeframe was wild. I just want to show that you need to understand how quickly life can change. Shift your paradigms about money, its fake, im delusional and i love it. If you made it this far, this is as much a business win as it is personal. I promise you are 1 conversation away from your life changing. Keep pushing guys :)
New comment 2d ago
0 likes • 2d
@Muriithi Kimani just get the right stuff nailed and itll pay
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Harry Clark
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University Dropout -> AI Founder

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Joined Aug 16, 2024
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