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Skool Community

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The Skool Games

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AI Systemizers Community

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Content Academy

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No-Code Architects

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AI Biz In A Box

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11 contributions to Content Academy
⌛️ LAST CHANCE TO SAVE on the No-Code Architects
Lock in a lower monthly price for the No-code Architects this week ONLY (ends 6/28 at 2pm). After that it’ll go to the normal price (still deciding on what that will be). You'll be able to lock in this lower monthly price for life. Or just stay for a single month and download a ton of value for just $90. Beyond all the Airtable + Make templates (listed below), it has quickly grown and became one of the most active communities on Skool (#259). The No-Code Architects Community was designed to help you profit from and thrive in the AI and media era. Software and content creation are the two best skills you can leverage to grow and scale a business in 2024. And the No-code Architects Community is exclusively—the only place where you can learn both skills in one place with like minded people 👥. There's no way to learn everything on your own. You need community. If you’re a coach, consultant, AI or automation agency or SaaS founder (really anyone that wants to profit (or gain efficiencies) from AI and automation this is the place to be. It also includes weekly calls for tech support, product/service development and content creation. PLUS expert workshops (listed below). And did you know it includes the KEDB Pro system (normally $97) for free? Yup! Here’s a list of the existing Airtable + Make templates you'll get: - Faceless Videos 100% Automated - Hotswap AI Prompts & Models - Automate Text, Image & Video Content - YouTube AI ChapterBot Using Make - Automated Multilingual Videos - Fully Automated AI Video Process - 10X Your Content With - Convert Text to Image Carousels
New comment Jun 29
⌛️ LAST CHANCE TO SAVE on the No-Code Architects
1 like • Jun 27
How am I supposed to keep up!
Welcome! Introduce Yourself HERE 🔥
Hi! Welcome to the Content Academy. This community is designed to help you build a profitable content strategy, efficient team & automated content process. Step 1: Introduce yourself in THIS THREAD below! (✄ copy/paste template 👇) Where are you from? What are you working on? What immediate help do you need? Step 2: Read the rules and checkout our free courses and paid programs
1327 members have voted
New comment 1h ago
Welcome! Introduce Yourself HERE 🔥
2 likes • Jun 21
@Jonalyn Manguba yes
3 likes • Jun 21
@Melvin Williams yes
Getting closer!
Should be spitting out content Sunday. One question that I'm answering is how to get opus pro and riverside into frame. looks very manual. maybe very time consuming. any shortcuts i'm missing?
New comment Jun 9
1 like • Jun 8
@Mitchell Dong kedb Pro is now up and running. Scheduled out content. Working at lags in the system like using Riverside and Opus with frame. Opus is very good but you’re right. They’re still a lot of manual editing I have to do. But it’s really easy like Riverside.
2 likes • Jun 8
Just joined the no code automation group. Think I’m ready for the next step.
🏆 Skool Games Mental Mindset (how I'm dealing with the feelings)
First, its just the beginning really. So im trying not to get caught up in the outcome of winning the skool games. But it would be cool. I'm just staying focused on trying to build a valueable community for the members. Perspective is key. You know that anxious feeling, that fear of failure? That's life, with the right perspective it can be exciting. You choose. Enjoy the ride! All these feelings pass. Imagine how many other times you felt this way and it passed. I try and to turn these moments into action. Im keeping my todo list small, the plan is simple. To grow your community you need eye balls. Traffic. CONTENT. Even some one on one outreach. And the guts to do it. Ever since I was a young kid a good friend and I would yell out our windows on short drives "live life my friend!" It was silly but the louder we yelled the better it felt. It didnt feel as embarrassing when people looked at you when your friend was joining you. So today I'm your friend. LIVE LIFE MY FRIEND! 💪
New comment Jun 7
🏆 Skool Games Mental Mindset (how I'm dealing with the feelings)
0 likes • Jun 7
Way to go!!!
Upload video from Iphone
Hi, new to content creation at scale. I wanted to create a solo video. Easy right? Not for me. I tried the app captions. timed out at 5 minutes. I tried riverside but now I don't have my teleprompter. Out of frustration, I just recorded Iphone video. I'm uploading to Frame and my 12 min video is taking FOREVER. What's a simple way to record solo content and upload to Frame quickly? Or should I just have recored in another software that can easily connect to Frame? Thanks in advance.
New comment Jun 5
0 likes • Jun 5
I think I just didn't give riverside a fair try. The big hang up is getting stuff off my iphone into Frame. I'm guessing you suggest building an iphone shortcut for this?
1-10 of 11
Greg Tresler
14points to level up
I’m a Gen X-er who wants a refund from Big Tech.

Active 1d ago
Joined Apr 24, 2024
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