First, its just the beginning really. So im trying not to get caught up in the outcome of winning the skool games. But it would be cool.
I'm just staying focused on trying to build a valueable community for the members.
Perspective is key. You know that anxious feeling, that fear of failure? That's life, with the right perspective it can be exciting. You choose. Enjoy the ride! All these feelings pass.
Imagine how many other times you felt this way and it passed.
I try and to turn these moments into action. Im keeping my todo list small, the plan is simple.
To grow your community you need eye balls. Traffic. CONTENT. Even some one on one outreach. And the guts to do it.
Ever since I was a young kid a good friend and I would yell out our windows on short drives "live life my friend!" It was silly but the louder we yelled the better it felt.
It didnt feel as embarrassing when people looked at you when your friend was joining you.
So today I'm your friend.