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Teacher Support Network (Free)

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3 contributions to Teacher Support Network (Free)
Thoughtful Tuesday: Reflect and Ask Yourself
Hi teachers, I would like to share a framework to help you gain clarity in your teaching business. ▶️ TWO THINGS FOR YOU TO THINK ABOUT 1 Most people tell themselves that if they felt better, they’d do the thing—when it’s actually doing the thing that makes you feel better. 2 At some point, you realize that the permission you’ve been waiting for all along was your own. ▶️ TWO THINGS FOR YOU TO ASK YOURSELF 1) What have you wasted time waiting for “the right” time before doing? 2) What have you excused or neglected in your own life for no other reason than you felt undeserving of it? ▶︎ Feel free to use these as journal prompts. ▶️ ONE THING FOR YOU TO TRY THIS WEEK Give yourself permission. F*ck it. It’s your life. Go live it. Then let us know how it goes.
New comment Sep '24
2 likes • Aug '24
Thank you for the reminder 😊
What is a good pronunciation model?
Students need a pronunciation model in class - and the traditional one excludes the vast majority of teachers. This is one great takeaway from our interview with the great Robin Walker and Gemma Archer. Their incredible book "Teaching English Pronunciation for a Global World" came out yesterday. Grab your copy here. We spoke with them at length about pronunciation teaching, flaws in the traditional model, and how a native speaker model holds many people back, teachers included. Students do need models, but the tape or audio from the coursebook isn't it - at least, not traditionally. In an increasingly international world, we should strive for our pronunciation teaching to be, well, internationally based. And this means intelligibility, or the intelligibility principle. As Robin told us: "The model is anybody whose own use of English for international communication has shown their pronunciation to be intelligible." The podcast interview comes out in March, but you don't have to wait that long to learn from Robin and Gemma. Their book is a fabulous resource. Do you focus on intelligibility with your learners? Are you familiar with the intelligibility principle?
New comment Mar '24
What is a good pronunciation model?
0 likes • Mar '24
I do focus on intelligibility as at the end of the day what trully matters is connection, being able to get your message accross, instead of perfection. Even though I've been taught, as a non-native speaker of English, to have a close to "perfect" pronunciation (considering there's no such thing as "perfect pronunciation") in the past few years I've grown to encourage and promote my students' own personal accents, and that in my humble oponion facilitates learning and fluency and boosts their confidence.
Welcome to our Newest Members!
Hi folks, Well, we are about to wrap up November with a new group of already-engaged members. Please join me in extending a big community welcome to @Vitórias Farias @Jill Cannon Jones @Ekaterina Bolshakova @Maria Duarte @Carla Carlini @Cindy Johnston @Fabiano Almeida @Elisa Galbusera @Jayne Soh @Sérgio Manuel Rodrigues Junior @Elaine Hill @Gloria Lao Garcia @Cathal Larkin @Najia Memon who recently joined TSN. It's great to have you all on board. For those of you who have not yet done so, please begin by introducing yourself in the Start Here thread in the Community. 👉 Also, don't hesitate to reach out to us (@Andrew Woodbury, @Leonardo Gomes , or @Michael Landry) in the DMs for more support. And remember, we're always excited to work with teacherpreneur-curious language instructors, so spread the word among your networks. Chat soon, Mike
New comment Nov '23
2 likes • Nov '23
Thank you so much! ¡Muchas gracias! Looking forward to learning from you all and becoming a teacherpreneur on the way 😊
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Gloria Lao Garcia
1point to level up
@gloriasenglish on IG Cambridge CELTA English #teacher | Coding + Robotics facilitator | Creative Computing #ScratchPals

Active 113d ago
Joined Nov 22, 2023
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