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Rentals To Riches Free

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7 contributions to Rentals To Riches Free
Trump Vs Kamala's Housing Policy
I am going to work on a YouTube video to go over which of the two presidential candidates would be best for real estate investors! What topics of their policies/actions do you want me to cover? Comment below if I missed one in the poll What they do definitely affects the market and smart to understand what they propose and plan/be prepared accordingly theres no need to make it political, just data and policy driven as possible. Please be polite and keep your politics out of your comments :)
22 members have voted
New comment 11d ago
2 likes • 13d
@Antonio Cucciniello I’m not fond of politics. I focus on financial aspects instead. To me, following the money involves understanding our micro and macro economy along with inflation and taxes, as they all impact our investment strategies. Personally, I'm interested in exploring how we can create wealth by utilizing loopholes, leveraging the system, and minimizing our tax burden.
The Road to First Investment Property
Where do you find most challenging and/or currently struggling the most on the journey of buying your first investment property? Select one or more below.
39 members have voted
New comment 13d ago
0 likes • Aug 13
As I get older, my appetite for risk and taking big leaps has significantly decreased. In my 20s, I would have jumped in without a second thought. Now, it's more about the psychology of uncertainty. I worry about things like not finding a renter or having a renter who doesn't pay. There are so many "what if" scenarios that run through my mind. Maybe I’m overthinking it and have become too analytical.
1 like • Aug 16
@Michael I and @Atila V , thanks for your input. It’s great to see both sides of the discussion. You’re each right in your own way.
What's Stopping You From Buying Your First Rental Property?
I want to see where all of you are at so we can see where most of the group is at. Give more explanation in the comments below. You need to make 5 contributions to get to level two in order to unlock the courses and make posts :)
71 members have voted
New comment Aug 16
1 like • Aug 13
1 like • Aug 16
@Michael I, as someone in my 40s, I completely get how the fear of making a mistake at this stage in life can be daunting. It’s easy to fall into analysis paralysis, but at some point, I know I just need to take the leap and make a move. The younger version of me would’ve jumped in without doing all the research. There’s something to be said for that approach too. Here’s my advice for you: There’s a lot of noise out there—from social media, online sources, and even well-meaning friends and family. It’s important to consider the sources, but tune that out and stay focused on your own goals. Take your time and don’t rush the process. Make sure the numbers work in your favor. Personally, I prefer having secure debt—no variable rates or tricky loan terms like balloon payments. Think beyond just the initial purchase and consider how your investment will grow over time. If this is a short-term investment, be clear on your exit strategy, whether it’s 2 years, 5 years, or less.
Financial Decisions
I wanted to come on here and ask something a little different and hope others can benefit from it too. A big part of being in here is to build wealth through real estate. Although I believe before that happens we must have foundations set in place. For example, I would think an emergency fund is critical (3-6 months of living expenses), and of-course a good chunk of money to put forward towards our investing goals. Personally, I have a set emergency fund, and an investment fund that Is constantly growing. I’m at a stage where my main focus is to grow my investment fund as much as possible, in fact 35%+ of my income goes straight to it. I’m saving around $2,600+ a month. Although, a bump in the road has come up for me. I’m in need of a new vehicle and am not sure where to pick money out of. Do I take from my Emergency fund? Do I take from my Investment fund? Or do I take from neither, finance a vehicle and pay it off as quickly as possible? (keep in mind I intend to spend no more than 10K) I’m 24 years old and grew up in an environment where finances were never even talked about. I’m self aware of where I’m at and hope to get some advice from some of yall that are further ahead in life. Thanks.
New comment Aug 13
0 likes • Aug 13
@Anthony Guzman ,you’ve received a lot of great advice. From my own experience, buying used cars at a young age didn’t work out well for me. I was about your age and ended up spending more on repairs than the car was worth. Just something to consider. As others mentioned, a car isn’t really an investment—it's more of a necessity. Keep in mind that car loans are secure with fixed interest rates, so your payment amount will remain the same for the life of the loan. Continue building your empire steadily, and make sure you’re covering all your bases and paying attention to the details.
1 like • Aug 13
@Anthony Guzman , let me share another story. I bought my first home at 21, around the same time I had my first child, and I was driving a beat-up 1980 Mustang. That car got me through until I could afford my next one. While my friends were out partying and spending their money on other things—which isn’t necessarily a bad choice—we all make our own decisions on how to spend. In my opinion, you're making the right moves and setting yourself up for a solid future. Keep it up, and you'll eventually get that upgrade, paid for by your assets.
Where Are You At In Your Investing Journey?
Answer the following poll to let me know where you guys are at in your investing journey? Also if you are in the Tri-state area on August 8th, I am hosting a meetup in NYC with @Stella Han and her team at Fractional (a platform where you can partner up with people to buy real estate together easily) If you are around, I'd love to meet you in person. Here's the link to register:
48 members have voted
New comment Aug 13
0 likes • Aug 13
I'm exploring out-of-state opportunities to purchase a duplex or possibly a single-family home. I live in silicon valley and its a bit pricy out here to start.
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Gilbert Martin
8points to level up
My name is Gilbert and I’ve been in the tech industry for 20+ years and would like to learn how to build my real estate portfolio.

Active 1d ago
Joined Aug 12, 2024
Silicon Valley
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