The Road to First Investment Property
Where do you find most challenging and/or currently struggling the most on the journey of buying your first investment property?
Select one or more below.
Identifying Target State/City Market - (Where to Buy)
Determinging Investment Strategy & Asset Type - (What to Buy)
Analyzing Deals - (Show me the numbers)
Securing Funding (Downpayment, Lenders, Partners...etc) - (How to Buy)
Building a Team (Realtor, PM, Contractor...etc) - (How to Buy)
Finding Deals - (Deal Flow)
Confidence To Execute and/or Pull the Trigger - (Psychological Roadblocks)
Buying my 2nd, 3rd or 10th Property - (Scaling)
Creative/Advanced RE Strategies - (Scaling)
39 votes
Mo Tamraz
The Road to First Investment Property
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