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91 contributions to MindChrysalis
Webinar on the 5 Subconscious Traumas is Up
Hi all, if you're level 3 or higher you can now access the last webinar on the 5 types of subconscious trauma in the Webinars section of the Classroom. If you're not yet level 3, usually just 5-12 posts and you'll get access (you need 15 likes in total on your posts.) Not hard at all to do!
New comment 2d ago
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Great. After all, it is nothing new to me. What is comparably new to me is the "peer" pressure that people who feel small and think small may subconsciously feed into people who don't. Let me explain. Throughout the past 5-6 months I travelled around Southern Portugal, which is a particular and comparably stable culture apart from the typical European societal constructs. I love the Portuguese and making contacts just happens. It just happens! :-) Keyword: Curiosity (D. Kahnemann, M. Nehls: System 2 - more on that below). 2-3 months ago the tourist season began for those Middle Europeans to take possession of the coastal towns. Guess what, they are living in a very limited bubble of smallness and obedience. Nobody here likes them, but they bring money. After my healing my worst wounds, I find these people pretty disgusting, because they become so quickly anxious when self-conscious non Portuguese people are around and in a positive outgoing flow with the locals. The point is that - and I had experienced that heavily in one particular European country - small minded people have a tendency of bringing less limited people down onto their own level by exposing strange bodily reactions such as shying away or frowning. And with regard to what Kahnemann and Nehls describe, such behaviour is the "clash" between System 1 people and System 2 people. System 1 is zombie mode, System 2 is feeling-plus-thinking mode. Bottom line: Western society, as traumatised as it is, may hinder the healing process due to the erroneous collective belief that good citizens are compliant characters and ... that "We are all the same". WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. If they don't succeed economically and socially in their lives, and if they do not succeed with regard to love, it is their issue, not the issue of other people who succeed. Hence, I find it important that healing occurs in an environment without such "peer" pressure or "framing", i.e., where people are pulling everyone into an artificial society's "only valid frame of being a nice guy or gal"... ... ... and put a useless mask on your face.
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@W Ryan Fowler Thanks Ryan. The most remarkable and undeniable fact is that once we affirm to ourselves who we are and what/who we do not want in our lives, the magic of effortlessly attracting what/who is good for us - or abundance - happens.
I think I learnt something but I'm not sure
I talked to my mother today. She come down after my brother same. I am keeping my distances. My mother and I talked, she asked if I want to spend time with her and my brother. I was offended because they always put me down. I can go on and on, but as we were talking my mother was 'justifying' the pass as reasons to continue with there behaviour. My mother was cry a bit, got angry a bit and it sounded manipulative with a lot of lying. But that could be a bias (don't know) it's so much of the same thing with out any changes, so I just assume. She left upset. One thing about the conversation was her taking me to a private school and getting my uncle to make me study, which sounds like a good thing. Her bringing this up today felt like 'I did this for you, so you owe me' type of thing. It feels like she believes she has the reins to my life and she's upset because I don't see it that way. She made me do the 'empathetic thing' about her and her and my brothers situation. It feels manipulative but I don't know. She said "you don't tell me anything" and began to cry. There have been plenty of times when I opened up to her and she put me down. And she told me that! But I told her about my studies in Cyber security and the opportunities it comes with it. She did nod yes when I reminded her. Overall, its like she can't see pass her own nose. I tried to explain my perspective and she not listening. She made me feel that what I went through matters not and the efforts I've done without them matters not. Like they don't exist. During this conversation, it's like she doesn't see me, like I'm not even there. It's like I don't matter, what happened to me don't matter, what I'm doing to move forward doesn't matter, what I'm saying doesn't matter. (This reminds me of the session I had with Ryan when I opened up about not getting what I want and feeling bad for wanting what I want). I wanted to share and be open. Any tips/advise please? It would be appreciated. Sharing this helps me uncover and understand things better, so I can do better at doing the Dive to the Five and self hypnosis sessions.
New comment 3d ago
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Yes, trust your gut. I had been exposed to similar games, i.e., reading your story I am tempted to think that you are exposed to their luring you in to then switch to offense mode. Stay true to your gut, which determines your genuine viewpoint and actions. Never re-act when they try to draw you into their frame.
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@Ryan Harrison Yes, there are people who excel in detecting whether or not other people have safe boundaries. Even now that I am living among less damaged people, and that I have internalised my own boundaries, I am consciously cautious and make everyone feel distance before I commit to anything. Doing so I am no longer anxious and can decide when to commit instead of jumping into muddy waters. "Risk management."
Can you guys help me? Any tips?
My brother is living with me and my father. He turned 29 this year. I try my best to connect with him but being around him feels uncomfortable. He were close as kids but our mother wasn't too kind with both of us. I can go on but he now gives similar treatment as my mother once did. I'm 26 now and I've been getting this treatment between the age of 10 - 13. He deals with it by getting drunk and then beings by taking down on me with anger and cockiness. He told me today what he does this by 'trying to help'. He tells me that he 'hates me'. I don't know why. I sometimes see him smile when he treats me poorly. I can't move out right now, but when I get a job in Pentesting I will be able to travel. From there, I was thinking to never see him again, as I did with my mother. I just saw briefly after 2 years. I feel/think that my brother let me down. Any tips would be appreciated.
New comment 10d ago
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@Jordan Kurtz 100%!
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@Jordan Kurtz Imho the key question is "Who runs the unreal show?" I have zero doubt that it is the insane (Cluster B) people who believe upward obedience and/or downward manipulation further their lives. All these people are failure. Contrarily people with boundaries live a REAL life independent of co-dependent societal slaves and/or those manipulative narcs/psychs who need the co-dependent to rule over. The "COVID" hoax proves exactly this. And, well, there are some -isms around that do the same thing to deform society - Laurent and Ryan know what I mean.
Trouble Sleeping
Who else has trouble turning off and getting to sleep after a shift? Not the end of the world and not my first time using meditation/hypnosis. But I feel like I'm undergoing a mental shift and can't sleep properly now for several nights
New comment 10d ago
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Well, I had recently a phase when I felt like reprogramming myself during sleep saying all kinds of "magic formula" when laying down on the bed. Then I woke up in the night when my body was fending off the opposite beliefs, i.e., the old programs. Funny experience.
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@K M I had let it happen for a week every evening when I had no demanding daily chores. Meanwhile I call it "attitude resetting".
The More You Do Hypnosis, the More Hypnotizable You Become
I agree with this video 100%, and i believe some in our community are actually seeing this for themselves. Being hypnotized and being open to suggestion and brain re-wiring in hypnosis improves if you do it more.
New comment 10d ago
The More You Do Hypnosis, the More Hypnotizable You Become
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@W Ryan Fowler How much courage does it take to go outward thereafter? Not much if we know that we are OK inside ... and that we DGAF.
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@W Ryan Fowler Overall, at least as it goes for me, after we connected to our "Unknown", i.e., to what "society" "commands" us to bury within, Life can be mastered when we remain constantly connected to the Within. Obviously enough, "society" and its members may find such mastery "odd behaviour", hence, go against us. Then comes into play the master key that we can discover within us through hypnotherapy: DGAF, i.e., being HONEST WITH OURSELVES, DOING WHAT LIVES WITHIN.
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Frank Kiel
169points to level up
Energetic freewheeler gaining speed and power and, after the session with Ryan, traction. Life is no longer what it seemed - it is what I make of it.

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Joined Oct 26, 2023
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