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21 contributions to LawLab
Did you miss my conversation with Corné Bouwer?!
Yesterday I had the privilege to discuss a few important aspects of financial planning and estate planning with Corné Bouwer of Heptagon Capital. He is also very busy on TikTok. The video is below and in the free Course in the Classroom. We discuss: - the difference between life cover that pays to the estate and to beneficiaries - cash issues at death - the importance of pension funds, provident funds, and retirement annuities Have a look and let me know which questions you'd like us to discuss in the next live.
Did you miss my conversation with Corné Bouwer?!
Transfer of property
I am an only child and both my parents are deceased. They were married in Community of property. While they were still alive they had a mutual will drawn up that stated if one of them dies then the surviving spouse inherits the property and when the surviving spouse dies then I inherit the property. When my dad died my mom did not transfer the property into her name as she was not financially able to do so. When my mom died I fully inherited the property as well as all the assets in it. I am now in a position where I have to pay the transfer from my dad into my mom's name and then I must still pay it onto my name as well which is a huge amount. I always thought I could just pay one transfer from my dad into my name but was told it cannot be done like that. Please advise as to what my options are in this matter.
New comment 4d ago
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Thank you for your message @Sandra Nicolaai. That is one of the biggest misconceptions regarding deceased estates and it causes so many problems. That's also why estate planning and financial planning is imperative to provide cash for when you pass away. So, the following must happens: 1. The joint estate must be administered at the time of your father's death. 2. Property must be transferred to mother. 3. Mother's estate must be administered as at the time of her death. 4. Property must be transferred to you. Every step costs money. Unfortunately we can't skip steps. Each step has legal implications and must be done. The only other option would be to sell the property to provide the necessary cash. Let me know if you need any assistance.
Live Chat with Financial Advisor, Corné Bouwer
I'm hosting Corné Bouwer in a free Live Chat on 26 September @ 13h30. The link is in the calendar. Corné is a financial planner at Heptagon Capital. You most probably have seen him on TikTok as well as CornéFin. Have a look at his videos here: CornéFin. Join the live to ask your questions. We will discuss: - Financial Planning. - Estate Planning - How to pepare your finances for when you pass away. - What types of financial planning must you have in place? I will post the recording in the classroom afterwards for easy reference. See you there.
Nuwe bank rekening
Goeie môre! Ek het so bietjie hulp nodig asseblief. My pa en ma is binnegemeenskap van goedere getroud. My ma het nog nooit haar eie bankrekening gehad nie. My pa is vroeër die week oorlede. Ek weet sy bankrekening is nou gevries, nou moet sy begrafnispolis en pensioen gelde uitbetaal word en my ma is die begunstigde hulle wil nie die gelde uitbetaal aan 'n 3de party nie hulle dring daarop aan sy moet haar eie rekening gaan oop maak, ek wil net weet gaan die nuwe rekening in haar naam nie ook dan gevries word nie? Groete Leon
New comment 10d ago
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More @Leon De Beer. Jammer om te hoor van jou pa. Die oomblik toe jou pa sterf is die gemeenskaplike boedel ontbind en jou ma is nou tegnies ongetroud. Sy behoort sonder probleme haar eie rekening oop te kan maak. Sy moet maar net die sterftesertifikaat en so saam neem. - Dan moet jou pa se boedel natuurlik aangemeld word en 'n eksekuteur so gou moontlik aangewys word sodat daardie persoon namens die boedel kan handel. Laat weet gerus as ons kan bystaan met enigiets. Sterkte
📽 New Recordings Added 🙌
Good afternoon all. I've added 2 new recordings of live conversations I've had the past 2 days: - Yesterday John, a subscriber, joined our live Q&A and we discussed lots of things related to Wills and estate planning. That recording is in Classroom - Q&A _ Estate Planning. - Today I hosted our FREE live Q&A and a few of you joined. It was awesome. We discussed what happens when a parent passes away without a Will and which of the children may inherit the property. That recording is in Classroom - Free Q&A's Have a look and let me know if we need to address other questions.
New comment 11d ago
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You can do to the calendar and add the meeting to your Google calendar.
0 likes • 11d
@Lorraine Ganese let me know what you need assistance with
1-10 of 21
Francois Vorster
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Law Lab: Your trusted source for DIY legal advice on property, wills, estates, and more. Solve your legal challenges with confidence!

Active 1h ago
Joined Jun 19, 2024
South Africa
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