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Q&A with FRANCOIS is happening in 13 hours
📽 New Recordings Added 🙌
Good afternoon all. I've added 2 new recordings of live conversations I've had the past 2 days: - Yesterday John, a subscriber, joined our live Q&A and we discussed lots of things related to Wills and estate planning. That recording is in Classroom - Q&A _ Estate Planning. - Today I hosted our FREE live Q&A and a few of you joined. It was awesome. We discussed what happens when a parent passes away without a Will and which of the children may inherit the property. That recording is in Classroom - Free Q&A's Have a look and let me know if we need to address other questions.
New comment 11d ago
Good morning. Hope you are well. If I want my sister to inherited my property(she is married in community of property) how will I prevent that her partner doesn't have access or inherit this property or will the partner also inherit the estate because their are married ICOP. Please assist.
New comment 17d ago
Opstel van testament
Ek het 'n testament by BetterSure kom met voordele soos oordag koste dekking ens ens, maar ek voel dat ek meer gerus sal wees as ek en my vrou deur jou 'n testament opstel. Ons is binne gemeenskap getroud, hoe gaan ek te werk of altans ons te werk?
New comment 19d ago
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