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8 contributions to Zamboni Inner Circle
✨Powerful Mandela Quote 📖🎉
It always seems impossible until it's done.
New comment Jul 13
✨Powerful Mandela Quote 📖🎉
1 like • Jul 13
So true. However, I have learned that I also need to take the first step to get onto the path that leads to being done.
How to Write on Medium in 2024 (A Beginner’s Guide)
If you write or thinking about writing on Medium, give this blog post a read.
New comment Jul 13
2 likes • Jul 13
Thanks. I will check it out.
How to Avoid The AI Detectors
Hi Anthony For the past year or so, I’ve been championing the benefits of AI in these newsletters. (I’m sure you’ve noticed! 😉) And that’s because I genuinely believe it’s a tool that helps overcome serious obstacles for many of my readers. Lack of writing skills… lack of time to do research, development and writing… lack of experience in business, marketing, sales and design. But by no means is AI perfect. It can get facts wrong, forget what you briefed it, and lazily trot out platitudes and generalisations that DO sound human… …but like a REALLY BORING human. Some people say that AI might destroy our civilisation. Perhaps it will – by putting us all to sleep! The world will end, not with a bang, but with a Zzzzzzzzzz…. Because here’s the main problem… Rubbish In, Rubbish Out If you leave AI to ‘do its thing’, without putting work and thought into the process, then you won’t get good results. What you’ll get will be bland, cliched, and very like the content produced by other people who use AI without knowing what they are doing. Worse, any written content you produce to sell on sites like Amazon or Clickbank could easily get picked up by AI detectors. These are getting more widespread and sophisticated. This is why I have put so much work into developing systems, strategies and blueprints that can help you use AI tools to get interesting, unique, quirky content that suits your personality or brand. Yes, it DOES take more effort than simply entering a prompt then cutting and pasting the result – even if you make some tweaks here and there. Beware the AI ‘Experts’ I also recommend that you ignore a lot of the so-called AI gurus and experts who are cropping up everywhere, because they don’t always know what they’re talking about. For example, a little while back I received this email from John, a What Really Makes Money reader. “I already have a clickbank account and have 3-4 products that I want to promote”, he writes. “I recently tried to get these products promoted following one of the Youtube ‘experts’ but it has backfired a little as one of the steps seems to have come unstuck.”
New comment Jul 4
How to Avoid The AI Detectors
1 like • Jun 7
Thanks for sharing.
New Free Video For You
A complete method that is explained in 30 minutes. It brought me 2 sales with the first video posted.
New comment May 10
New Free Video For You
4 likes • Feb 23
Thank you.
Commit For 60/90 Days, And See Results
Sometimes, we want to change our lives. But we must be more powerful to commit and reach our dreams. It happened to me many times before I reached the top. And it's difficult to comprehend why a few other people are getting huge results while yours are no good. For 14 of my 16 years in this business, I've been on WarriorPlus. For ten years of those 14, I've been in complete darkness. I didn't comprehend what those other users were doing to get such good results while I was struggling so much. Until the day I tried to humanize my business. When you try to put on your customers' shoes, everything becomes clear. You have to act less as a seller, and more as one of your customers. So please commit yourself to doing what you love for a minimum of 60 days and a maximum of 90. It may be Etsy, it may be launching a course, or it may be doing affiliate marketing. Study one of my courses, apply the information you get, and focus. Throw away other useless things, taking your time. You don't need a full day. You can do it for 1 hour a day or 2/3 hours a day. Focus on the final result. Study the resource three or four times, then go to YouTube and study extensive case studies above $50,000 monthly. Learn every secret, make it yours, and remember you are doing business with real people like you. Focus daily, and shut down all other doors, even if they seem good temptations. Nothing works with zero effort. At the end of the 60 days, you will have a business running you can keep up, putting wood on it like you do to keep a fire alive. If you don't see results, it means you didn't commit enough, and you didn't learn from your errors. Do it again, and again. Thanks, Alessandro Zamboni
New comment Apr 24
11 likes • Feb 5
Thank you for sharing. This is excellent advice. That is one of the things I am currently doing - I was a squirrel chaser (didn't really know anything and started chasing everything), however now I am focused on one thing and will get that set up and going and then I will learn the next step to take and implement it.
6 likes • Feb 14
@Amanda Richter To add to this. I didn't miss out - I even purchased things I would never use or need to use. So I had to learn to say "NO!" even when I liked and trusted the person who had the affiliate link or if they had a super duper never to be used bonus. Now I am focusing on one thing which I must get going at today to be consistent and I feel ready for the next step. All the best in your journey. It took me a few years to realize a bit of everything is really nothing.
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Evelyn de Vlugt
24points to level up
A fellow creator who wants to learn all she can.

Active 1d ago
Joined Aug 29, 2023
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