How to Avoid The AI Detectors
Hi Anthony For the past year or so, I’ve been championing the benefits of AI in these newsletters.
(I’m sure you’ve noticed! 😉)
And that’s because I genuinely believe it’s a tool that helps overcome serious obstacles for many of my readers.
Lack of writing skills… lack of time to do research, development and writing… lack of experience in business, marketing, sales and design.
But by no means is AI perfect.
It can get facts wrong, forget what you briefed it, and lazily trot out platitudes and generalisations that DO sound human…
…but like a REALLY BORING human.
Some people say that AI might destroy our civilisation.
Perhaps it will – by putting us all to sleep!
The world will end, not with a bang, but with a Zzzzzzzzzz….
Because here’s the main problem…
Rubbish In, Rubbish Out
If you leave AI to ‘do its thing’, without putting work and thought into the process, then you won’t get good results.
What you’ll get will be bland, cliched, and very like the content produced by other people who use AI without knowing what they are doing.
Worse, any written content you produce to sell on sites like Amazon or Clickbank could easily get picked up by AI detectors.
These are getting more widespread and sophisticated.
This is why I have put so much work into developing systems, strategies and blueprints that can help you use AI tools to get interesting, unique, quirky content that suits your personality or brand.
Yes, it DOES take more effort than simply entering a prompt then cutting and pasting the result – even if you make some tweaks here and there.
Beware the AI ‘Experts’
I also recommend that you ignore a lot of the so-called AI gurus and experts who are cropping up everywhere, because they don’t always know what they’re talking about.
For example, a little while back I received this email from John, a What Really Makes Money reader.
“I already have a clickbank account and have 3-4 products that I want to promote”, he writes. “I recently tried to get these products promoted following one of the Youtube ‘experts’ but it has backfired a little as one of the steps seems to have come unstuck.”
John continues…
“Basically the ‘method’ is to get a clickbank product, have AI software (Writesonic) write articles for you, then go to an article publishing platform called Vocal and use the article, along with the affiliate links to your clickbank product.
“The trouble is, it seems, Vocal now has better AI detectors which pick up any AI generated articles (mine has been added to and changed a bit by myself) and it keeps rejecting the article because of this.”
So basically, the method my reader was shown by the YouTube expert didn’t work.
Well, it relied too much on AI without human input in the beginning stages – and it needed a lot more prompts and processes throughout the creation of the product.
It’s a big subject that I can’t cover entirely in a single email newsletter but here are some tips…
How to Create Unique Content Using AI
First up, you should input a format or template that the AI has to follow.
In our very own Prompt2Profit, subscribers will get templates for things like headlines, bullet points and the structure of sales letters and articles, based on what I have honed over 30 years of content creation.
This means that AI is following YOUR lead, rather than the other way round.
You can also get AI to plan out, say, an eBook, article or even an entire online course, and then rearrange that plan… deleting, adding, swapping bits around.
Afterwards, jot down notes for each section based on what you already know, or have researched before you get to write content.
Again, this means you are shaping and controlling more of what is being created right from the origin.
Secondly, you need to establish a voice for the piece – and keep reminding ChatGPT of that voice.
For that, you need to come up with a concise personality statement about yourself (or the persona you are writing under).
For example:
“I am a passionate writer from England with a quirky sense of humour that’s gently teasing, and not afraid to admit my failings or struggles to succeed.”
Now let’s say you give ChatGPT (or your favoured Ai tool) a prompt like
➡️ “Write three sentences about why I should upcycle my old shirt.”
You might get Upcycling your old shirt not only reduces textile waste but also gives it a new life, adding character and uniqueness to your wardrobe. By upcycling, you contribute to sustainable fashion practices, reducing the environmental impact associated with clothing production. Plus, the creative process of transforming your shirt can be a fun and rewarding DIY project, showcasing your personal style and ingenuity.”
You could give it this
➡️ “Write this again in my voice. I am a writer from England with a quirky sense of humour that’s gently teasing, and not afraid to admit my failings or struggles to succeed. I am trying to help people save money and make money from the belongings they already have.”
And you’d get something different…
“Got an old shirt lurking in the back of your wardrobe? Give it a new lease on life through upcycling! Not only will you be saving the planet one stitch at a time, but you'll also be adding a splash of personality to your wardrobe without breaking the bank. Who knew that turning your fashion failures into fabulous finds could be so rewarding—and hey, if I can manage it, anyone can!”
TOP TIP: If you are really serious about creating a product to sell using AI, I’d also recommend you upgrade to a paid subscription to chat GPT4o, which gives you much better results in terms of style, language and human qualities.
For instance, here’s Chat GPT4o’s result:
“Imagine finding an old shirt in your wardrobe that's like a relic from a past life. Upcycling it can turn that forgotten piece into a quirky new addition to your style without spending a penny. Plus, it's a great way to feel good about reducing waste while having a bit of fun with your fashion choices—if I can do it, so can you”!
See how much more natural that sounds compared to the other samples?
Whatever version you use, when you get a result, feed it back in and ask it to add another element, or prompt something like:
➡️ “I need this to be quirkier,”
➡️ “Give this more authority,”
➡️ “Add a couple of interesting metaphors or similes”,
➡️ “Give me more examples to show X, Y, Z.”.
Also tell the AI about the person you are talking to.
➡️ “My reader is someone who lacks experience and confidence, doesn’t know the jargon and needs things explained step by step. They are sceptical and will need reassurance.”
Now you’d get this:
“Picture this: you stumble across an old shirt in your wardrobe, something you haven't worn in ages. Upcycling it might sound fancy, but it's really just about giving that shirt a new purpose. You don't need any special skills—just a bit of creativity and some basic tools. Not only will you save money, but you'll also have fun creating something unique. Trust me, if I can do it, so can you!”
Can you see how different that is to the original result from AI? And how much more realistic, personal and engaging it is?
The more processes you put a piece of text through, the further you get away from what someone else will come up with.
It’s also important to add in your own personal anecdotes, opinions, asides and experiences – just jot them down in note form then feed them in, reminding the AI of your voice.
Next up – expand on each section with more detail.
When ChatGPT produces something, go through each line or paragraph and ask it to find out more about that fact or idea.
Add those into the draft.
Ask it to find some scientific studies, expert quotes, real case studies or historical examples.
I recommend you use Gemini and Claude to find more information, then feed that back into ChatGPT and ask it to write it in your voice (you might need to remind it).
Why the Edit is Key
You should be constantly cutting and pasting what ChatGPT produces onto a Word document, or similar, so that you ‘build’ the piece from lots of chunks of text.
As you do this, be prepared to remix and cut all the way through.
Tweak the phrasing, swap sentences around, add your own asides, and change words to ones you might use – or simply swap words for alternatives with the same meaning.
In particular, look out for jargon, business-speak and marketing cliché stuff, which AI tends to resort to.
The biggest flaw in most AI writing tools is their use of repetition – the same phrase, words, terms and sentence structures.
So go through and delete all the repetition, or rephrase repeated bits in different ways.
ANOTHER TOP TIP: When you have a first draft, read it aloud and you’ll more easily spot repetition and odd phrasing.
Tools to Help You Beat the AI Detectors
You can also use these tools to spot sections of your work that might fall foul of the detectors:
  • Surfer AI detector: – this has a free detection tool designed to spot AI content, so it works well on your own stuff too, showing you what needs to change. It promises to “Transform your AI content into text that looks like it was written by a skilled and experienced human writer.”  
  • AI Checker - an AI detector for ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, Claude 2 and author writing tools – just paste in the text and get the verdict.  
  • Grammarly – this grammar and spell-check tool also assesses writing style, tone, and clarity, which could show up anomalies that suggest AI authorship.
I know this sounds a lot of extra faff, but the result will be a piece that’s uniquely yours, and less likely to cause any problems when it comes to marketing and selling your product.
Give it a go and let me know what happens!
Best wishes
Nick Laight What Really Makes Money
© Canonbury Publishing
Here at Canonbury Publishing Ltd, we know that you want to be successful online. But here’s the thing, in order to do that, you need access to the right education and support to make money online. The problem is there is way too much contradictory information and misinformation that can make you feel confused, scared, and worried about your finances and future. We believe you deserve straightforward proven and easy to follow solutions. We understand because in 2003 our founders Nick and Heloise dealt with the exact same dilemmas and challenges when starting out in their own business, but made it their mission to help others to avoid the pitfalls and traps. In fact, Canonbury have now worked to help over 60,000 readers, students and customers over the years to have their own breakthroughs and successes – it’s been our pleasure!! And we want you to experience yours.
Anthony Sunderland
How to Avoid The AI Detectors
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