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Owned by Euan

Impact-Creator School

Private • 192 • Free

A community for all creators who want to make an impact, expand their consciousness, and master digital writing.


X Order Community

Private • 28 • Free

GPT Builders

Private • 1.1k • Free

Full Stack Writer

Private • 2.3k • Paid

Skool Community

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X Team

Public • 473 • Free

Adonis Gang

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Elevation Club

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High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

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The Skool Games

Private • 19k • Free

41 contributions to X Team
"How the f*ck can purpose 10x your income?!"
Every single day, I get comments on social media asking: -- "Euan... What is purpose?" "How do I find my purpose?" "Why do I have no purpose?" -- And every time I give an answer, people get surprised... They realize they we're looking for a needle in a haystack but the needle was actually another piece of hay (hahaha). Here’s what I mean by this… First off, 90% of people don't even know purpose exists. And for those who do, they think about it all wrong... Why do I say that? Because they think it's a way to remove pain, suffering, or struggle from life. But it's the complete opposite. Purpose GIVES pain, struggle, and suffering TO your life. Do you get it yet? Purpose isn’t the opposite of a problem. Purpose IS the biggest problem you can find. It’s just that this problem holds meaning to you (compared to all others). The pain, struggle, and suffering become worth it. It even weirdly becomes fun... You see it for what it is: Progress. So if you want to find purpose in life, don't think "what would remove all my suffering and make life heaven on earth". Instead, think "what massive problem would I find meaning in solving?" For example, mine is: Help every human on earth find and monetize their purpose through building a business that reflects it. AKA: Help people solve meaningful problems. This brings me onto how it relates to your business... You're probably aware that business is simply problem solving right? Solve better problems, get paid more. Solve worse problems, get paid less. So what better problem to solve than your own personal life purpose? Something so big that it drives not only you, but ALL your audience, family, and friends for the rest of your life. As a great man once said: "Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory." - Mahatma Gandhi With a tiny purpose, you'll never have enough fuel for a lifetime. With a huge purpose, you'll give fuel to the entire world. Now… Onto my final point:
New comment Aug 2
1 like • Jul 26
@Muhammad Huzaifa LESGOOOOOOOOO Glad you are enjoying PBB dude ;) Put a lot of effort into it, I do need to update it tho... Got a lot more to add now.
$5,000 per month writing about what you love online
Eyyyy what’s good! I talk a lot about how The Impact Creator Accelerator has the potential to change your life lately (a new version of Purpose-Based branding). To date: Savas used these methods to get over 7 paying clients in 30 days… Aidan (who won’t be an educator, but has helped build the program), has helped Ashley make over $40k online using the methods we teach… Then helped Julian make his first $1k online…. I’ve used them to make over $15k in the last few months working on what I love, every single day (which is more than double what I made in my 9-5 working 75H a week)…. Together, we used these methods to get 60+ monthly paying clients in our community in under 48h… And finally we used them for this exact program to make $5.6k in less than 10 days (and counting). All this to say that this sh*t works. Plain and simple. I LOVE to see how—if you take the principles and frameworks in The Impact Creator Accelerator, you can completely change your trajectory as an online writer, digital entrepreneur, or content creator. Seeing people able to find what they truly find meaningful… Then monetize that? I mean… I got no words. For example, before we helped Julian start making money online, he was a lost & confused. Posting daily, pitching daily, but getting no results. All because he didn’t truly enjoy what he was doing. The moment he found it? That’s when he started making money (by using these methods)… But not just making money, he loves his life more than anything in the world now. And at the end of the day—Isn’t that the goal? If Julian’s story reminds you of yourself, then it’s time to take ACTION. It’s not too late! You can still sign up for The Impact Creator Accelerator and get $500 off the regular price (spots are going fast… Only 8 left! (out of 15)) Reply to this email with “Impact” and I’ll send you over some more details. As usual - I love you, Euan PS... UPDATE! One of my students and friends, had NO IDEA what he wanted to monetize before… that made him hold back from buying anything like this…
New comment Jul 15
1 like • Jul 14
@Frankie Qiang I'll pop you over a DM my dude!
Where would you be if you started monetizing online last year?
Are you gonna let another year go by? --- EYOOOOOO! Euan here. Super dope news: Enrollment to the 6-Week Impact Creator Accelerator is open (wohoooo)! Let me ask you this… Have you been thinking about monetizing—but aren’t called to do it the generic way? Or maybe you’ve started outreach—but you don’t find it very meaningfull… Or you’ve been stuck in a 9-5—and still aren’t full-time doing what you love… Then The Impact Creator Accelerator was made for you (literally)—and now's the best time to go all in, make money, and start enjoying your life more. We see Creators all over X lately, struggling to even make a cent online… We call them Cheap Dopamine Creators. People who think they’ll get somewhere by randomly posting day in & day out. They post educational content, but it flops. They post TikToks, maybe go viral, but all they do is downgrade humanity. Sometimes they make a few bucks, but the only thing they feel is resentment because they don’t enjoy it. Overall, they simply hate their lives. Meanwhile, Impact Creators fly right by them. Impact Creators don’t stay stuck in their old ways. Impact Creators don’t just “pray” something changes—They don’t end the day feeling like a loser. Instead, they take action the right way. With something they love. They apply the fundamental principles of business to a vision they’ve crafted for a better future. They change their life, all while changing the world. They make other people feel joy, all while being in a state of bliss themselves. If you had started monetizing the right way 1 year ago, this is where you’d be: 1. Working 4-5h a day on projects you find meaningful 2. Waking up excited to start your day (hyped by your task list) 3. Mastering your skill, and feeling like it has become second nature 4. People would be spreading your names thanks to you changing their lives 5. You’d never have to worry about where your next client comes from (EVER again) Think about that! If you had made ONE decision a year ago—you’d be experiencing life-changing outcomes TODAY.
Where would you be if you started monetizing online last year?
$55/m course for $0 (Purpose-Based Branding)
My mission is to help 101M people use their life's purpose to build a profitable business. And my flagship course which has helped dozens find said purpose, used to only be accessible behind a $55/m paywall. But I quickly realized that wasn't aligned with my mission... So as a lil' gift, and a step forward: You can go through it for free, right now. Just pop over to the classroom section of this community, and you'll see it ;) As usual - I love you, Euan
New comment Jul 22
$55/m course for $0 (Purpose-Based Branding)
The unconventional way to monetize what you love online
I've been building my business online for 2 years now. The entire first year looked like this: Starting & quitting X, YT (twice), Insta (three times), TikTok (twice)... Sometimes posting 2 videos and quitting, sometimes getting up to a whoping 15 or 20. And I know exactly why I kept quitting… Thanks to discovering this, I've managed to post every single day on X for over a year. Go full-time. Write about what I love. And bring in more money than my ex 9-5 (woooooo, I don't miss that place). So what's the secret you may ask? What shifted in order for me to break free? Well... Here it is: I loved first. Not after. That entire first year of in-consistency, I always had the same thought of "Once I make it, I'll be X". (X being happy, rich, fulfilled, etc.) I was waiting for something to happen before life would start. Have you ever had that feeling? Maybe you have it now. As if life hasn't started yet. And the one thing you want SOOOO dearly, is for it to finally start playing the game. But here's the thing... What brings results? Actions do. So in order to get different results in your life, you must change the previous actions you default back to. But... to change your actions, you must change yourself. Your beliefs. Your thoughts. Your knowledge. Your emotions. Do you see the problem here? You're waiting for something to happen in order to change your life, but that thing can only happen if YOU change your life first. Yep. That's the secret. And the super funny thing is that EVERYONE SAYS IT. But nobody applies it. You see... I can't even start to put into words the pure love, bliss, and joy I feel for my life. I wake up excited, pumped to start my day. And when I go to bed, I simply can't wait to keep living tomorrow. It really is that good. I love life. And I know what you're thinking: "Yeah... but you're not in a 9-5 like I am" or "You’re already full-time, you know what you're doing" That's what I thought as well when I started out. Looking up to the people who have “made it”, thinking they didn’t understand me.
New comment Jul 10
1-10 of 41
Euan Spencer
202points to level up
Helping you find & monetise your purpose so you can enjoy life, create impact, and inspire the world • Ex-chef turned full-time creator •

Active 4h ago
Joined Feb 23, 2024
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