"How the f*ck can purpose 10x your income?!"
Every single day, I get comments on social media asking:
"Euan... What is purpose?"
"How do I find my purpose?"
"Why do I have no purpose?"
And every time I give an answer, people get surprised... They realize they we're looking for a needle in a haystack but the needle was actually another piece of hay (hahaha).
Here’s what I mean by this…
First off, 90% of people don't even know purpose exists.
And for those who do, they think about it all wrong...
Why do I say that?
Because they think it's a way to remove pain, suffering, or struggle from life. But it's the complete opposite. Purpose GIVES pain, struggle, and suffering TO your life.
Do you get it yet?
Purpose isn’t the opposite of a problem.
Purpose IS the biggest problem you can find. It’s just that this problem holds meaning to you (compared to all others). The pain, struggle, and suffering become worth it.
It even weirdly becomes fun...
You see it for what it is:
So if you want to find purpose in life, don't think "what would remove all my suffering and make life heaven on earth".
Instead, think "what massive problem would I find meaning in solving?"
For example, mine is:
Help every human on earth find and monetize their purpose through building a business that reflects it.
AKA: Help people solve meaningful problems.
This brings me onto how it relates to your business...
You're probably aware that business is simply problem solving right?
Solve better problems, get paid more. Solve worse problems, get paid less.
So what better problem to solve than your own personal life purpose?
Something so big that it drives not only you, but ALL your audience, family, and friends for the rest of your life.
As a great man once said:
"Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory."
- Mahatma Gandhi
With a tiny purpose, you'll never have enough fuel for a lifetime.
With a huge purpose, you'll give fuel to the entire world.
Now… Onto my final point:
Do you want to make money?
I bet you do.
So how do you make it?
By selling.
And what is selling other than persuading someone through showing them a vision of a potential dream life, or potential horrible life?
Nothing... (That's what it is haahaha))
Find a true purpose for yourself and you have UNLIMITED firepower for persuasion.
You have an angle to show people:
- Here's what happens if you apply this
- Here's what happens if you don't apply this
And then:
- Here's what happens if society applies this (as a whole)
- Here's what happens if society doesn't apply this (as a whole)
When you write or give advice, see which one fits. This is who you get people to follow & buy from you like a pop tart stand in a kid's playground.
Thanks for reading
As usual - I love you,
Euan "Purpose-based" Spencer
Euan Spencer
"How the f*ck can purpose 10x your income?!"
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