$5,000 per month writing about what you love online
Eyyyy what’s good!
I talk a lot about how The Impact Creator Accelerator has the potential to change your life lately (a new version of Purpose-Based branding).
To date:
Savas used these methods to get over 7 paying clients in 30 days…
Aidan (who won’t be an educator, but has helped build the program), has helped Ashley make over $40k online using the methods we teach… Then helped Julian make his first $1k online….
I’ve used them to make over $15k in the last few months working on what I love, every single day (which is more than double what I made in my 9-5 working 75H a week)….
Together, we used these methods to get 60+ monthly paying clients in our community in under 48h…
And finally we used them for this exact program to make $5.6k in less than 10 days (and counting).
All this to say that this sh*t works.
Plain and simple.
I LOVE to see how—if you take the principles and frameworks in The Impact Creator Accelerator, you can completely change your trajectory as an online writer, digital entrepreneur, or content creator.
Seeing people able to find what they truly find meaningful… Then monetize that?
I mean… I got no words.
For example, before we helped Julian start making money online, he was a lost & confused. Posting daily, pitching daily, but getting no results. All because he didn’t truly enjoy what he was doing.
The moment he found it?
That’s when he started making money (by using these methods)… But not just making money, he loves his life more than anything in the world now.
And at the end of the day—Isn’t that the goal?
If Julian’s story reminds you of yourself, then it’s time to take ACTION.
It’s not too late!
You can still sign up for The Impact Creator Accelerator and get $500 off the regular price (spots are going fast… Only 8 left! (out of 15))
Reply to this email with “Impact” and I’ll send you over some more details.
As usual - I love you,
One of my students and friends, had NO IDEA what he wanted to monetize before… that made him hold back from buying anything like this…
But the moment he went through the methods that help you find your life's work?
Well… Let’s just say he’s already building out his program as we speak.
And oh boy is he enjoying it.
The moment you find what you love and merge it with the fundamental principles of business, your life begins to change—and the best, fastest way to get started is to enroll into The Impact Creator Accelerator before it’s too late.
Euan Spencer
$5,000 per month writing about what you love online
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