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Don't Waste Your Precious Life

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3 contributions to Don't Waste Your Precious Life
this stuff really works
about a week ago ive hoped with trinley on the coaching group call we explored the mechanisms of my motivation we reached to a point where i theoretically dropped my desires of getting a degree, i instantly felt a tremendous relief , but it was too hard for me to fully let go , the call ended , and i continued to chew on the idea. the truth is , i wasnt ready to fully accept that maybe ive picked the wrong major and ive been fighting myself for nothing all this time, fighting up stream. i had a mini breakdown two days ago (which i promptly shared here lol) and i was genuinely feeling awful, thoughts began racing in my head and a sort of an inner civil war i cant really describe in words. this went on for a while until i went on an hour walk to clear my head (my body was so tense and agitated i couldnt stand still) then when i returned , it finally hit me. i opened the computer and i somehow had the idea to just check out the different majors i can take, i ended up on cognitive science and as i read the courses, in an instant, a flashing jolt, i realized that this was the major for me and i felt a giant elephant just getting off my chest i felt the greatest sense of relief and euphoria and ease ive felt in years like i can finally breathe again, like i can finally end the civil war i cannot emphasis this enough, but there may be parts you keep in the closet that are aching to come out, when i acknowledged this part , i felt focused, committed , motivated and clear headed and most importantly, i felt at peace. ironically when that happened, i actually did the thing i was procrastinating on doing for a couple of days lol. i felt a sense of alignment i havent felt in a long time i may or may not switch my majors, but it doesnt matter at this point, what matters is that ive acknowledged this desire within me and i can take it into account, even if i end up dropping out all together or even going for like an art degree or whatever atleast all the hands are now on deck.
New comment May 23
2 likes • May 21
This is so beautiful! I wrote quite a long response to your previous post, but lost it when I accidentally refreshed the page 🥲 most of the sentiments you shared during your "mini breakdown" are ones (nearly word for word) I hold myself, I felt like I finally saw someone else going through the same existential bewilderment I have been experiencing. I knew this was an inevitability for you, as you were actually facing the problem and bearing its weight upon your shoulders and I expressed such in my response; I am super happy and inspired to hear that the clouds broke open for you and you finally saw clear sky after such a strong storm. I hope you stay in this group and share what develops, as this is my favorite thing to witness in humanity; the inklings of actualization, brothers and sisters starting to articulate their unique signature of Logos. The world needs more of this, and I pray you hear its beckoning! Blessed be!!
1 like • May 23
@Adam Smith I also know the cringe feeling, but when we can't hold it in any longer (sometimes the coal is too hot and our hands are not yet trained to hold such heat), some channel must be there for that energy to vent through. If we do not have a support system around us equipped to understand and hold such existential questions, then some other channel will be found or made. I'd say better to let it out here, where others may acknowledge rather than judge, such as may happen in the twitter/X void. I really appreciated you sharing, as I had no knowledge of others who were asking the same questions. I'm doing alright, I haven't found the answers to my inquiries yet, still in the Dark Night, certainly. I remember I did some processes to increase me in wisdom and understanding, and this seems to be the Ordeal that I must pass through to attain unto such. So I am garnering all I can from such sentiments as you expressed, and many similar. Grist for the mill, one could say. I am finding great value in this value prism, but it is quite a bit of work, the way I am doing it. I am having to question all of my base drives and desire structures, having to penetrate to the center to find the words to articulate what truly drives me. Feels like prying a steel door open at times. I find I am having to move through this hopeless nihilism rather than out of it; I have to take it all in and separate its components and alchemize them through the flame of inquiry. And then I have to articulate the base components/elements into something that retains their psychic integrity. The value prism really feels like an alchemical process, I actually think I should accompany this exercise with the study of alchemy. It may lead to profound insight. But yeah, still working on articulation! I know what you mean by feeling broken though, this is one of the biggest challenges in my current and past experience. Plagues me every waking hour. So having to sit with this feeling of brokenness and hopelessness and explore it is quite a challenge, but one I am up to meeting step for step. I would love to hear how you navigate your feelings of brokenness such as you expressed when you were asking why others can change and why you seemingly cannot!
what are you struggling with?
what are you currently struggling with in regards to your life? what would be valuable to you in this community that we're not currently offering?
New comment May 10
what are you struggling with?
1 like • May 4
I have been struggling with rising out of bed when I wake up, I bought a watch that tracks my sleep cycles and shocks me until I do 20 jumping jacks and my tired brain finds its ways to bypass even that; I have lost countless sunrises, hours, and even more birdsongs because of this. I have not been in a shame cycle any longer, I feel I uprooted that; but there's this sense of dread (reminiscent of the depths of depression) that still washes over me where I think "god, not another day of this shit" and "what in the hell do I even start with?? Too much to do!!!" Or "there's really nothing worth being awake for" when I damn well know there's infinite reasons to be awake for Life. I haven't yet been able to find the fix and it has been plaguing me for years, now. I feel like this is the boss battle I keep losing and that keeps me from moving up a level.
1 like • May 4
@Trinley Goldenberg I used to not at all, now it is probably 60-70% of the time when waking up. And before bed, I usually use the phone to listen to a teaching at night after getting home from work and then to set my alarms and use the FitMind app. And the computer I use Obsidian to write at night. Always use blue light blockers and night mode, though. And no social media after 10, usually. Slowly cutting it back to 9:00 as well.
introduce yourself
what brings you here friend?
New comment 12d ago
introduce yourself
2 likes • Apr 28
To be clear, he was doing these all at once. I tried warning him to slow down, but he perceived that as a "low vibration" 😅 but trying one thing at a time and approaching scientifically, definitely leads to a new relationship with one's mind. It's quite plastic given the proper conditions to facilitate plasticity.
2 likes • Apr 30
@Jordan Tan if you want a very good breakdown and teaching from fundamentals to practice to advanced theory, Jason Louv would be a great (if not the best) place to start. He has videos on YouTube and classes on his platform. If you want the classic book that helped kickstart the whole movement, Liber Null/Psychonaut by Peter Carroll is another great place to start. I personally haven't really been using much of it in terms of practice, but it informs a dynamic philosophical backdrop with which one may interface with their reality tunnel. But even a philosophical backdrop is no substitute for taking an unconditioned "approach". I am more and more averse to systems of thought as time goes by, but ironically that is sort of in line with the philosophy of chaos magick. But hey, whatever you feel interested in, follow that!
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Dillon Schiley
45points to level up
Kinda somebody, but also kinda nobody. The body is 25 years old. The mind likes cats, flowers and pictures of saints. Here to learn :)

Active 87d ago
Joined Apr 27, 2024
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