this stuff really works
about a week ago ive hoped with trinley on the coaching group call
we explored the mechanisms of my motivation
we reached to a point where i theoretically dropped my desires of getting a degree, i instantly felt a tremendous relief , but it was too hard for me to fully let go ,
the call ended , and i continued to chew on the idea.
the truth is , i wasnt ready to fully accept that maybe ive picked the wrong major and ive been fighting myself for nothing all this time, fighting up stream.
i had a mini breakdown two days ago (which i promptly shared here lol) and i was genuinely feeling awful, thoughts began racing in my head and a sort of an inner civil war i cant really describe in words.
this went on for a while until i went on an hour walk to clear my head (my body was so tense and agitated i couldnt stand still)
then when i returned , it finally hit me.
i opened the computer and i somehow had the idea to just check out the different majors i can take,
i ended up on cognitive science
and as i read the courses, in an instant, a flashing jolt, i realized that this was the major for me and i felt a giant elephant just getting off my chest
i felt the greatest sense of relief and euphoria and ease ive felt in years
like i can finally breathe again, like i can finally end the civil war
i cannot emphasis this enough, but there may be parts you keep in the closet that are aching to come out, when i acknowledged this part , i felt focused, committed , motivated and clear headed and most importantly, i felt at peace.
ironically when that happened, i actually did the thing i was procrastinating on doing for a couple of days lol. i felt a sense of alignment i havent felt in a long time
i may or may not switch my majors, but it doesnt matter at this point, what matters is that ive acknowledged this desire within me and i can take it into account, even if i end up dropping out all together or even going for like an art degree or whatever atleast all the hands are now on deck.
lets see if this is merely a farce or something permant
but for now, thank you trinely. youve helped me alot
Adam Smith
this stuff really works
Don't Waste Your Precious Life
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