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motivation dojo is happening in 4 days
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what brings you here friend?
New comment 12d ago
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adhd = sacredness deficit disorder
recent tweet that seemed to resonate: most people who say they have attention deficit disorder actually have sacredness deficit disorder. they lack things in their lives that truly matter, that seem bigger than just them - and somehow get surprised when the other things don't hold their attention.
the 9 core feelings (bioemotive
hey friends, i promised @Brandon L i would post this up after the coaching yesterday this can be very helpful if you're feeling kinda bad, but have trouble introspecting on why. sometimes, just saying these core feelings out loud (as in "I'm feeling worthless", or "I'm worthless" can help you locate something that resonates, then you can sit with and express that feeling. hope this is useful! warmth, trinley
the 9 core feelings (bioemotive
Revealed Preferences
I'm sharing an 𝕏 Thread here for value sharing🌟 ## “Revealed Preferences” might be the single most transformative concept I ever learned. No other idea has ever changed my life so drastically. --- I learned the term when I was 24. I was living in a place I didn't like, with people I wasn't fond of, working a job I didn't love, or at least thought of as being beneath my potential. so this idea hit me like a ton of bricks. --- The idea that I might actually like it, or that this way of living served some psychological drive or met some need, was extremely jarring. I would go blue in the face telling people how much I didn't like this. Could this concept explain why I was staying there? --- Turns out, it did. Mortified by my motivations being explained so simply, and embarrassed at how I'd been deluding myself, I tried to take the next step—asking myself what I really wanted. --- Did I want to live there forever? Did I want to keep company with these people for the rest of my life? Is this the work I felt I was supposed to do every day? No. But I was acting like the answer was yes. --- I had to reckon with the idea that I needed to change. If this way of living suited who I was right now, fine. But I didn't want to be this person forever. So I had to consciously change those things. --- At the time, I was still reeling a little, so I equivocated. I said, well, I'll change what I do and where I do it—I'll move and start a new career path. But I'll bring some of these people along with me. That should've told me something, but the psyche resists change. --- It would all be for naught anyway, as the pandemic lockdowns happened just as I was planning to move. The best-laid plans of mice and men, you know. So, in a certain sense, I was doing everything right as I tried to wrestle with who I was and who I wanted to be. --- I probably would’ve ended up ditching those people at some future point, but fate gave me a shove. After the lockdowns, my plans were in tatters, so I made new ones while equivocating even more.
New comment Jun 15
procrastination isnt even a thing
the biggest idea ive realized during this process was how wrong i was to classify my procrastination, i used to think of it as an entity that possess me or a state of being that comes unto me as a curse and overrides my desires and will i used to think that if i could get rid of the procrastination then i can finally do all the things i (allegedly) wanted to do but , think about it for a second, who is it that generating the procrastination? no one is coming over and telling me to not do the thing, i have no restraining order against the thing, i have no physical or mental impairment preventing me from doing the thing (i say this while being grateful). the procrastination is generated entirely by, surprise surprise, me! who else can generate it but me? and so when what you realize is that the thing thats happening here is a conflict of interest, there are parts of you that want competing things and that's whats fundamentally driving the conflict. Ironically, our response to the conflict is what generates further generation because when you deal with procrastination you instantly default to running away from it, you think its not your own so you dont bother to address it or, worse, you go online and 99% of advice out there is to completely squash the procrastination and fight it tooth and nail.Anyone who has been a human for more than a day will tell you how completely foolish and futile to go against your system. Recognize, you are a sovereign , free (allegedly) , agent, an individual with will and desire and wants and needs. Once you begin to realize this, you will understand that either you do the thing, or you dont and do something else. There is no more "procrastination" because you understand you always have control over what to do.
New comment May 25
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