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11 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
The Framework - Creating Your Event Slides
The number one thing I see people getting stuck on when it comes to creating their one-to-many event is creating the content for their slides. If you missed the pretraining - Lesson 3 goes over RB's "Making Them Care" Framework and it is gold! It is awesome watching Russell use this framework in each section of the slides... have you noticed it too? 1. Story to share how he earned or learned what he is about to share next. 2. The Strategy 3. The Tactics (less of this in the event as it's sold as part of the offer) 4. Proof I am going back to redo all of my slides for my next event because I haven't done #1 at all and it's the most important piece. And if you missed this... take note as Russell does this throughout the rest of the day. It is SO GOOD!
New comment 28d ago
The Framework - Creating Your Event Slides
4 likes β€’ Aug 14
Yes that was a game changer for me. I couldn't work it out in my head how to this but after watching that a few times it started to click. I'm putting it into action with a video series I'm using to promote my 5-Day Market Domination Readiness Challenge.
Your Definite Purpose
"All success begins with definiteness of purpose, with a clear picture in your mind of precisely what you want in life." - Napoleon Hill Hey Everyone!!! I hope you're doing great today. I wanted to jump in and bring up question that I believe is the key to unlocking your success in any area of your life. It's what Napoleon Hill would call your "Definite Purpose." I posted a video below from me talking about discovering your Definite Purpose. Step #1 - Please take 2 minutes and watch the video right now Step #2 - Take some time to write out your Definite Purpose, and post it in the comments below. Step #3 - Read other people's Definite Purposes, and drop them some feedback and encouragement! Thanks everyone!! Russell Brunson P.S. - Here are some other AMAZING related Napoleon Hill quotes to help inspire your as you define your definite purpose: =========== "I don’t know why it is that when a man decides what he wants, the whole universe seems to come to his aid to see that he gets it." - Napoleon Hill =========== "The principle of psychology through which you can impress your definite chief aim upon your subconscious mind is called Autosuggestion, or suggestion which you repeatedly make to yourself. It is a degree of self-hypnotism…" - Napoleon Hill =========== "There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose, or definite goal at which to aim. Ninety-eight out of every hundred of those whom I have analyzed, had no such aim. Perhaps this was theΒ major cause of their failure." - Napoleon Hill =========== "Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass." - Napoleon Hill =========== "There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.Β Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought." - Napoleon Hill =========== "Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything." - Napoleon Hill
New comment 2h ago
Your Definite Purpose
1 like β€’ Aug 14
@Vishal Sharma if you're going to do something may as well do it right!
2 likes β€’ Aug 14
@Michelle Leith
Kickoff Call #1 Takeaway
I would imagine one of the biggest objections some people might have about implementing what Russell is teaching in this event is that "I am an introvert so selling one-to-many isn't for me". Can you all see how it's actually not only BETTER to sell one-to-many, but much EASIER to sell one-to-many if you are an introvert? Even as someone who sells one-to-many, I had a big mindset shift around this!
New comment Aug 14
3 likes β€’ Aug 12
I'm good with performing in front of a crowd. I have more issues ordering a pizza over the phone than talking in front of a crowd.
2 likes β€’ Aug 13
@Doug Boughton Being comfortable in front of a crowd is one thing. I've done it several times, but never with the outcome of making money. It always ends up just being a "lecture" where I teach people something and that's all well and good. I'm excited about learning how to build this skill and turn this into a superpower where I give value and sell my offers.
Kickoff Call TONIGHT @ 6:00 PM EST (3:00 PST)
Just a quick reminder that we have a "kickoff" call for the Selling Online event TONIGHT! It will be less than an hour, but please try to make it. I'm going to give you a few important details to help make the next 3 days a HUGE success for you. If you don't know how to get on the "KICKOFF" call, you can login to the dashboard and get the link here: Who's coming!?! Drop a gif in the comments if you are!!! Thanks again, and I'll see you soon!!!
New comment 7d ago
Kickoff Call TONIGHT @ 6:00 PM EST (3:00 PST)
2 likes β€’ Aug 12
Not going to let me in. Says it can find my email address
2 likes β€’ Aug 12
@Tiana Woolard Thought I did. thanks I'll try another
Star, Story, Solution Script
What's up Prime Movers!?! I'm working late to prep for the BIG "Selling Online" event next week, and going through some of my older trainings, and found a gem that I haven't seen in YEARS!!! Prior to me focusing 100% of my effort on webinars after ClickFunnels launched, I had spent the prior 5 years 100% focused on VSL's. This was a training I did back then, showing how I structured all of my VSL's (called the "Star, Story, Solution" script). This script is in the original DotComSecrets book... but this video goes a LOT deeper! Attached is the script and an 1 hour 16 minute video teaching it. This VSL script is a great tool to have in your copywriting toolbox!
New comment 3d ago
Star, Story, Solution Script
6 likes β€’ Aug 10
Holy Moly! That was a lot of gold right there (SOP) for Creating a Sales Video Using the Star Story Solution Script Objective The objective of this SOP is to guide you through the process of creating a compelling sales video using the Star Story Solution script to effectively engage and convert viewers. Key Steps 1. Build a Compelling Story 2. Transition to Solution 3. Inject Logic and Guarantee 4. Create Scarcity and Urgency 5. Future Pacing and Call-to-Action 6. Post-Selling and Takeaway Selling 7. Finalize Video Production Cautionary Notes - Ensure the script is engaging and relatable to the target audience. - Maintain a balance between emotional storytelling and logical reasoning. - Use scarcity and urgency tactics responsibly to avoid misleading viewers. Tips for Efficiency - Use a structured script like the Star Story Solution to guide the video creation process. - Incorporate visuals, animations, and testimonials to enhance the video's impact. - Test the video with a sample audience to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments for optimization.
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Innovation and Growth Strategist empowering trade and service businesses to achieve market dominance through innovative marketing strategies.

Active 39m ago
Joined Aug 7, 2024
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