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How are y'all collecting emails from your audience?
So I've got a Substack (which is like an email list) and whoever subscribes there joins my list. I also have a YouTube channel and usually my call-to-action at the end of the video is to sign up for my Substack newsletter. In the future, I will likely offer a free download in exchange for an email. This download will be hosted on Wix or something (haven't researched this yet). @Ted Carr talks about the value of building your email list so I was curious what everyone was doing. Also, bonus points if you are currently hosting a freebie download or similar and can recommend a platform. Thanks in advance!!
New comment 12h ago
1 like • 12h
@Isac Marginean Tuvesson thanks. I like the sounds of that. So the lead magnet is “Join my free Skool group”? And basically, I just need some opt-in page (on ClickFunnels or other) as a way to bridge the gap and collect emails from organic social to my Skool group? Sounds pretty good. My next problem to solve is what to offer in my free Skool group to make it worthwhile! Thanks!
1 like • 12h
@Mark Winstein thanks. Ya there are a lot of options out there. I also prefer to keep it lean (free) until I have my process in place and can afford to invest. Thanks for sharing!
Did the Offer Clarity Workshop get cancelled today?
Did the Offer Clarity Workshop get cancelled today or did I have it wrong on the calendar, @Yelina Perez ? Thanks
New comment 3d ago
Would you pay me $1,000 if I …
Would you pay me 1k if I showed you how to remove the barriers that are preventing you from living your dream life?
New comment 3d ago
0 likes • 3d
@Jonell Francis jumping on tmrw! Thanks!
0 likes • 3d
@Jonell Francis “Sell them what they want then give them what they need”. That’s powerful and I think it’s sinking in. So basically, come up with a great offer that hooks a specific person and then teach em whatever I think will get them the result? lol Can you elaborate a bit more on this?
Would you pay me 1000€ for this ? [Updated]
WHO : I help women (18-35) who are fans of K-pop, K-drama, and K-food. WHAT : Achieve a clear face and a slimmer, toned body. HOW : By burning 10kg in 90 days and eating better. PILLARS : - K-Food diet. - K-Fit training program. - K-Community support. @Ted Carr Roast this please !
New comment 2d ago
Would you pay me 1000€ for this ? [Updated]
1 like • 8d
So if I was a Korean women aged 18-35 that was really into K-culture, would I pay you $1,000 to help me burn 10kg in 90 days in a K-culture environment? Ya, I think I would because that sounds really niche!
The Nuts and Bolts of Running A Coaching Program
I have a practical, rookie question (or maybe not so rookie, I don't know). I've set a goal to hit 10k/month with my coaching program. I'm currently about to work with my first beta clients (I have 3) and am getting close to finishing up my course outline and all the materials that go along with it. The next step is to start making video content on specific pieces of the program and put an offer out at the end of the video to sign up for coaching. I did the math and to earn 10k/month working 60 hours a month (15/week) I would need to charge 166/hr or $666/month (4 1-hour sessions). I'm curious about what other coaches are charging, how many hours they're working, and how often they meet with their clients. Also, I have some hesitation about asking for ~$675/month to work with me. That seems like a lot. I could sweeten the deal by offering them access to a community, having access to me daily, and more (undecided) but I'm a little unsure about all this and just curious what other people are doing. Thanks a lot!
New comment 10d ago
0 likes • 22d
@Rino Groenenberg thanks. You mean you think they work more hours? Or make more per hour?
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David G
88points to level up
Mindset and manifestation coach helping others to create the lives they dream of.

Active 12h ago
Joined May 12, 2024
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