The Nuts and Bolts of Running A Coaching Program
I have a practical, rookie question (or maybe not so rookie, I don't know).
I've set a goal to hit 10k/month with my coaching program. I'm currently about to work with my first beta clients (I have 3) and am getting close to finishing up my course outline and all the materials that go along with it.
The next step is to start making video content on specific pieces of the program and put an offer out at the end of the video to sign up for coaching.
I did the math and to earn 10k/month working 60 hours a month (15/week) I would need to charge 166/hr or $666/month (4 1-hour sessions).
I'm curious about what other coaches are charging, how many hours they're working, and how often they meet with their clients.
Also, I have some hesitation about asking for ~$675/month to work with me. That seems like a lot.
I could sweeten the deal by offering them access to a community, having access to me daily, and more (undecided) but I'm a little unsure about all this and just curious what other people are doing.
Thanks a lot!
David G
The Nuts and Bolts of Running A Coaching Program (Free)
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