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Soulful Selling

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10 contributions to Soulful Selling
Mock calls and practice - sharing your tips, thoughts and best learnings
Hi soulful people, ✌️ by this post I mainly wanted to thank the memebrs that I have already practiced with so far, cheer up the next appointments on the calendar and read if you have anything to share that you`ve improved or learned form your last practice. 😊Drop your comment also if you have any fresh idea related to this topic 📝
New comment 9d ago
🎉 Reflection Time: Celebrate Your Wins & Set New Goals! 🎉
Hey everyone! 🙌 It’s been over a week since we kicked off our training, and I’m so proud of the hard work you’ve been putting in. 💪 Now it’s time to reflect, celebrate, and set new goals to keep the momentum going! 🚀 Here’s what I want you to do: 🌟 Step 1: Celebrate Your Wins! 🌟 Take a moment to think back over the past week and write down 3 big or small wins since we started the training. These could be anything, from: ✅ Closing a deal ✅ Practicing your calls ✅ Reading a book or completing a lesson No win is too big or too small! Let’s celebrate all the progress you’ve made so far! 🎉🎉 Comment below with your wins so we can cheer each other on! 👇 🌱 Step 2: Set 3 Goals! 🌱 Now, set your focus on what’s next! Think about 3 goals you want to achieve by the end of the month. They could be: 🏆 Completing the next stage of your training 🏆 Landing your first high-ticket sale 🏆 Scheduling more practice calls These goals will keep you moving forward and motivated! 💪 Drop your goals below and let’s hold each other accountable to make them happen! 💥
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New comment 8d ago
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Realizing that learning is a never ending journey, I am always enjoying it while aiming at its destination. Despite some background, there is still so much for me to learn and my current goals in this section are: 1) To make some extra time available for rewatching my mock calls as I saw that this is a fine shortcut to work on myself by spotting and destructuring more quickly the eventual wrong reflexes in empathic communication. 2) Perfecting the art of the CODEX 9 approach by optimally surfing on the middle line between its scripted steps and the eventual adaptation of the rules to each specific case during each role play. 3) Closing the first deals in order to repay back the mentors and the peer community fellows that have contributed to my growth ASAP. What I am trully thankful is that in this process I end up knowing myself more and more or rememebering better who I already are in the deepest of my soul and that feels really empowering... As Bruce Lee used to say: ''All types of knowledge ultimately mean self-knowledge.''
September - Mock Call Thread!
Drop your calendar links below 👇👇👇 and schedule some Mock Calls with your peers! **Remember to record your calls and bring them to the upcoming film study training!** We will have film study training M, T, TH, and FRI each week. During this time, you can submit mock call recordings and have them critiqued by a sales professional. _____ Submit your call recordings for review by using the following form. >>>>👉Submit your videos for review using this form👈<<<<
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New comment 3d ago
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This is my google calendar link: see you, great souls
Welcome To Dan's Universe
👋 Hi, I’m Dan! 😅 My name is Daniel Notarpietro. I`m from Italy 🤌 and I currently live in the cute and tiny Luxembourg 🏰 👐 I’m focused on starting a long-lasting and mainly self sustained business or investment plan, but also on serving as an helpful sales leverage for all businesses whose missions resonate enough with my true being, so this feels like the right place, ain`t it? 😊 In this journey I`ll be aiming at these goals 📌: - Increasing my financial self-confidence. - Finding the best fitting way to kick-start some side hustles/ financial placements. - Refine my active listening and sales ''heartitude''. The gifts 💝 I joyfully bring to the community are: - Insights from my experience in the sales force of B2B key accounts portfolio.🤝 - My open mind to learn and contribute to other`s growth.🔂 - My passion for customized analysis and problem solving.📝 For fun, I like to dedicate myself to these things: - Dancing in salsa parties and all other similar social dance scenes (my super power mode is activaed in those dance floors 🦸‍♂️🕺😆) - Tai Chi and internal Chi kung (balance is my priority anyways 🧘🥋☯️) - Diving deep into exhotic cultures (recently Asia and particuarly Thailand is at the center of my interests for holiday and maybe living plan for at least 6 months per year 🛕🙏⛩️). Delighted to connect with any one who resonates or would feel like getting along with some of the above points 🙏
New comment 15d ago
Welcome To Dan's Universe
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@Tove Nordling I wouldn't say so as I've applied only marginally some principles of the bue ocean strategy in that process and it wasn't meant to open a specific new market to avoid competition, but rather to allow to several big customers to compete against each other in the same market with some slightly different items that are mainly fitting their respective particular clientele and their specific business model. The blue ocean strategy is anyways a field I would like to get more expert in my next adventures 😊 Did you already have any experrience with that? How did it go?
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True, being uniquely oneself is indeed already an empowering strategy and although the fact that ''removing yourself from the equation'' is actually one of its foundations, Soulful Selling has its own particular way to bring the sales drive back to its most natural and effective way. Very interesting to see that you've found a gap in the market that you can fill up with your precious and personalized expertise, thanks for such exchange. Is its backwheel also related to TCM diets and Taoist sexual energy practice ?
as u may have heard I enrolled a client last week, for a one month starter experience of coaching with me to move towards her goal of letting go of her 9-5 job and create something she's passionate about. She was all in until today, when I sent her the second reminder for paiment and prep e-mail for our time together. I dropped my price for her on the call to meet her where she was at (from 1k to 444.- for 4 sessions including access to me in between) Now I get this, what's the smartest most conscious thing to do, without disrespecting buisness values and t&c? I make this offer once, this is not a thing I do regularely, so I am thinking to say yes but new terms apply, I am thinking of of saying yes if u pay the agreed amount now, I am thinking... but recognize part of neediness, and feeling of disrespect and wanting to learn how to hold my standards, without hurting business. (This is currently my only client) Advice welcome...
New comment 16d ago
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Hi Fabienne, From a macro-perspective: - Which % of your actual competitors around that potential customer for this particular market of life coaching do you have in your active network ? - What ''consuetudo'' have that market community evetually established to handle in a non-negotiable or multi-optional way such last minute change of schedule? - In any case, what can you do to establish a solution that becomes the new common way of handling such issues in that market with the most integrity and benefit for both sides? Other trigger question: Do you see the reason why it's important to have such prior info? Let me try to explain: I see you're asking this community such info/advice, however it's important for me to know how much you already know about those aspects above as the eventual ''rule'' is half created by the market itself through out the common behaviours of the main players. In other words I wonder in case your customer goes today to somebody else in that market, if she'll 90% have the same reply to such request and what that reply would likely sound like... I am not in that market but maybe this micro-quest can help: can I compare this scenario to a flight ticket whose price increases a bit if the passsenger wants to reschedule it's journey dates? Is there any cancel fee that is normally applied if the change of plan happens too late? Or is this more a human oriented field where each situation gets treated in a different way without pre-agreement on sales terms and conditions? ... Still, the market general consuetudo around that topic would help to stresslessy motivate your non-negotiable position or to give more value to your exceptional allowance in case you grant a better condition in exchange of future extra engagement. This being said, awaiting to know more on this scenario, my provisory ''smartest most conscious thing to do, without disrespecting buisness values would probaly sound like this: ''Hello dear, I am so glad to read that you are willing to make sure you’ll be giving your all to this journey and congratulations for this new project as well, you’re taking its challenging aspect in a good way and that’s also a great start.
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Daniel Notarpietro
35points to level up
A decade as a B2B sales coordinator in the toy industry has colorfully enriched my background, so now I can't wait to broaden and share my skill set!

Active 18h ago
Joined Aug 16, 2024
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