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9 contributions to Training Arc School
What's your biggest sticking point with fitness?
What's stopping you from achieving your dream body? Vote below. Need specific advice? Leave a comment, and our community will help you out.
15 members have voted
New comment 28d ago
What's your biggest sticking point with fitness?
1 like • Jun 7
lower back pain and shoulder mobility
Why you can't see your abs (the TRUTH)
Most fitness influencers aren't telling you the truth. Have you ever seen an ab workout video promising a six-pack in 30 days? I believed it for years, only to be disappointed when my abs didn't appear. Ab workouts are just the surface. The real issue is your belly fat. In this easy guide, I'll share how I got rid of my stubborn belly fat and uncovered my abs. 1. Build muscle FIRST: The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns at rest. If you build muscle, you'll be more efficient at burning fat than if you tried cutting with little muscle mass. To start building muscle, train with intensity (7-9 RPE) and correct volume (12-20 sets per week on each muscle). 2. Create a deficit: Once you've built muscle, now we have enough ammo to attack your stubborn belly fat. Thermogenesis means your body has a maintenance number of calories it needs to function. When you go below this number, your body will draw on its fat for energy. I recommend cutting 200 below your maintenance calories to start. 3. Cut less, walk more: If you keep decreasing your calories, you'll run into a problem; you'll risk losing muscle. Instead, add 30 minutes of walking to your day. Walking is low intensity, and it also increases your longevity by lowering your risk of heart disease. If you focus on these 3 steps consistently, you'll uncover the six pack that's hiding underneath your fat. If you have any questions, comment below and I'll get back to you.
New comment Apr 27
Why you can't see your abs (the TRUTH)
0 likes • Apr 27
I’ve heard that walking 10k steps and maintaining a clean diet every day can help with cutting, but I haven’t tried it before. What do you think, Owen?
Bodyweight only workout for aesthetics
If you can't go to the gym, but still want to build an aesthetic physique, check out my new routine. The exercises are also updated on the "Anime Physique Guide" exercise list. Let me know if you have any questions, and I'll get back to you.
New comment Apr 15
Bodyweight only workout for aesthetics
0 likes • Apr 15
@Owen Blair I have tried to do a pull up with 2 chairs and a stick but when try to do it I almost fall of lol
0 likes • Apr 15 Hope this video can help you guys
This is your sign to refocus
As a new lifter, I used to think: "I've been lifting for 6 months, but I don't look any different. It must be my genetics. Time to quit!" But in reality, I was skipping workouts, ate fast food, and being dishonest with myself. If you're not seeing progress, this is your sign to refocus on your daily habits. Ask yourself: - Can I control whether I work out today? - Can I control how much I eat? Do this everyday, and you will end up with extraordinary results.
New comment Apr 3
This is your sign to refocus
1 like • Mar 28
agree with you Owen
Not seeing results, and feel lost? Comment on this
Guys who feel lost at the gym or life in general, comment on this post. Let us know what you're struggling with, and everyone else try to support them. Maybe you've been in their exact position before, and could help them out.
New comment Mar 21
Not seeing results, and feel lost? Comment on this
0 likes • Mar 21
@Owen Blair well I train with body weight and basic exercise such as push up , inverted rows , squat keep it simple so like I don't skip my workout
1 like • Mar 21
@Owen Blair cool would like to see your video man :)
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Dai Phuoc
10points to level up
be 1% better every day 🦾

Active 10h ago
Joined Feb 16, 2024
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