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Your Worthy Future Community

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6 contributions to Your Worthy Future Community
Health through Healing
Sharing a few conversation pieces from last night: 1) Definitions of: Fear - an overwhelming belief in an outcome that hasn't happened yet... Faith - an overwhelming belief in an outcome that hasn't happened yet... We play these games that our fears are what keep us safe. When in fact our fear is usually an inability to act, take the next step, or believe in ourselves enough to be worthy of a new outcome. Life is happening whether you're moving or stuck. You can exist on either side of the coin, but the outcome that hasn't happened yet just depends on where you want to be with it. 2) A lot of our animosity, anger, resentment come from wanting to be recognized or validated for our actions. If we can put our faith first, we get to see that we are doing God's will. God gave us these gifts, they aren't ours. If someone needs a hammer and we're the only one who has one, it is our duty to use the hammer. Our skills and gifts have been crafted through God's testimony for us. The need for recognition means that we believe that God didn't craft us to have these gifts. Instead of waiting to be rewarded or thanked by others, thank God for giving us purpose, and he will continue to reward you. 3) The closer we are to God the easier it is to follow him. God forgives you through any struggle, bad decisions, etc. When we drift from God's path, he will send you messages to get back on path. The closer you are, the easier it is to see and hear his messages. The farther away you are, the louder the messages need to be. ...if you have a hard time forgiving yourself, make an envelope and write what you want to be forgiven of. God listens. We just need to ask. God asks you to give him your fears and worries. Holding onto them for eternity or taking them out on others is not your responsibility. Take ownership and allow God to forgive you, and you can now forgive yourself. "Fear not" "Worry not" appears 365 times in the Bible. So many of our problems ignite out of fear and worry. Give it to God, and focus your faith back on him.
New comment May 16
1 like • May 16
Your point number 2 is such a wise takeaway. It is a very challenging mechanic to carry out during our day to day here on this earth. The act of lowering ourselves enough to feel God's presence. To disregard the praise of others for the sake of pleasing the one that makes everything possible. Something I found revealing a couple days ago is a verse that you may read and not dwell on much but when you pause and take it all in it is very revealing as during this time Moses had direct contact with God unlike anyone else on the planet. So obviously the following trait is important: Numbers 12:3 (Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.) It's also interesting how nowadays things have gotten so complicated that individuals mistake humility as a sort of ego trip which is just one of the reasons that I am indescribably grateful for the fact that God is there to sort it all out. Regardless of what anyone here on this plane of existence thinks, feels or believes. He knows our hearts; and to just have the opportunity for such a being to even hold that sort of interest in me is enough for me to persist whatever trials may come. God is so good. I do hope all is well. Best Regards, Cody J.
11/1 - Get Your Ass out of Bed ...everything is happening as it's designed
This is a quote from Marcus Aurelius, yes that Marcus Aurelius from Gladiator. ; ) “At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I have to go to work — as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I’m going to do what I was born for — the things I was brought into the world to do? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?” This is from one of the smartest, respected, and well received rulers of the Roman Empire from somewhere around year 150 AD What is he saying? ..."Get your ass out of bed, we have big things to do today. You're not going to get them done by sleeping in!" This is one of the most impactful people who ever walked the face of the earth, and even he had to convince himself. I know the bed is comfortable, but you have to drag your ass out of bed today.'re not alone! Life is as difficult or rewarding as you allow it to be. It starts with the energy you bring into the world. Acknowledge your value of who you are in your life, and who you get to be for your family & life. Now move into the world with the intention of becoming that person. Comment below your experience and what got you out of bed today!
New comment Nov '23
11/1 - Get Your Ass out of Bed ...everything is happening as it's designed
1 like • Nov '23
Great video
11/2 - Protein Powder Tip! 🤯
Let me know if you already knew this!
7 members have voted
New comment Nov '23
11/2 - Protein Powder Tip! 🤯
1 like • Nov '23
That's legit
10/18 - Please Vote! How important is your busy-ness?
Something I want to talk about as I’m moving into a new chapter in my life is how I conduct my energy into my business, and defining the difference to my busy-ness. I don’t think I’m alone in this, so let me know if it resonates to you. My validation of self worth for so long has been attached to how busy I am. It is such a common theme in our culture to give “too busy” or “I wish, too busy” to any opportunity for fun or self improvement. Everyone pretty much accepts that quickly as a valid reason for not making an effort to exist outside of the normal schedule. And if we do have time, instead of enjoying it, we look to stay occupied with something else. I’d love to discuss this more. Give me a vote if it hit home.
8 members have voted
New comment Oct '23
3 likes • Oct '23
I have to schedule my "non-work?" things in my schedule or I just never do them and I don't think I miss it until 3 weeks later when the compounding effect of missing those activities hits me in the face.
The seeds you're sewing have value
You're not always going to feel like taking the steps to get closer to your goals. You're not always going to feel like you care. You're not always going to feel a sense of overwhelming warmth and happiness rush over you when your friends and family members tell you that you're doing a good job. But what is a constant absolute truth is that the seeds you are actively sewing in order to reap a harvest someday, and therein reach your goals, have value. Don't forget the value of your actions. Just keep sewing and in due time you WILL reap a harvest. Embrace it, Believe it, Embody it. LET'S GO!
New comment Aug '23
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Cody Johnson
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Active 35d ago
Joined Jun 9, 2023
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