10/18 - Please Vote! How important is your busy-ness?
Something I want to talk about as I’m moving into a new chapter in my life is how I conduct my energy into my business, and defining the difference to my busy-ness.
I don’t think I’m alone in this, so let me know if it resonates to you. My validation of self worth for so long has been attached to how busy I am. It is such a common theme in our culture to give “too busy” or “I wish, too busy” to any opportunity for fun or self improvement. Everyone pretty much accepts that quickly as a valid reason for not making an effort to exist outside of the normal schedule. And if we do have time, instead of enjoying it, we look to stay occupied with something else.
I’d love to discuss this more. Give me a vote if it hit home.
Sometimes, maybe. I was too busy to read this! 🙃
8 votes
Bryce Wood
10/18 - Please Vote! How important is your busy-ness?
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