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SaaS Pricing

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1 contribution to SaaS Pricing
What community activities/content would you like?
Hi guys What community activities and content would you like (or even participate in)? Stuff I can do: 1) Open Q&A with me (e.g. monthly) 2) Teardowns: send me your pricing case and I'll record as I open it up and provide live feedback. 3) Webinars on topics (like the ones scheduled) 4) ? ... let me know Stuff community members can do (but I can help arrange): 1) Cases: go on a podcast with me and show off your pricing project: objectives, process, new model, outcome, learnings etc. 2) Pools: e.g. 'How often do you change pricing?' 3) Guest speakers: we invite people to come and give an AMA session, present their work, their new book etc. (or that guest speaker is YOU!) 4) Collaborative Document Creation: someone posts a link to a google doc with a 1st draft of a document like: an email to tell customers prices go up / end of life of a product / job posting for a pricing manager / SOP for sales to give discounts / ?? - community can then edit, comment and create a 'final' version (or 7 different versions), which gets put in a common library for all. 5) Experience marketplace: e.g. "I need some coaching on how to get Sales to stop selling bespoke solutions. I can offer tested framework for how to prioritise feature development in collab between Sales and Product" -> people find each other and take it to a private conversation. 6) ??? let me know your ideas Use this thread to discuss, suggest and just to let me know what you'd actually invest time and attention in consuming, participating in etc..
New comment Sep 4
4 likes • Aug 27
Quick thoughts: FOR YOU I love #2 - the teardown and the live feedback. 1 and 3 are of course nice as well, but 2 really resonated with me. FOR US 1. As someone, who has a podcast (where I do live coaching and we often talk pricing), I'm happy to invite people on as guests, should anyone be interested. 2. Polls 👍 3. With 60+ talks pr year anyway, I'm happy to add a few more to that. 🤣 4. Nice idea! 5. VERY nice idea! 6. I'd love to get some more info on "unusual" resources: - Games that are good for teaching pricing (like the board game Container, etc) - Good videos for both basic, intermediate and advanced users (apart from your stuff, @Ulrik Lehrskov-Schmidt , which is of course excellent) - - 7. Alibi to have very honest conversations with other community members. For example, I remember having a session about money with other leadership thought leaders a few years ago, and that was hugely illuminating.
0 likes • Aug 27
@Ulrik Lehrskov-Schmidt Happy to assist. Also, of course, I'm happy to be torn down, should you need volunteers. :-)
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Claus Raasted
1point to level up
I help overburdened leaders who want to become better at GETTING SHIT DONE (in extraordinary ways). And that often includes pricing differently. :-)

Active 1d ago
Joined Aug 26, 2024
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