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PPC Launchpad By

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9 contributions to PPC Launchpad By
How To Optimize Keywords Without Overloading Ad Groups?
I've got a phrase match keyword for "tree removal". After running it for a month and adding negatives daily, I've got 48 solid search terms with decent impressions, clicks, etc. In the past I would have put these into SKAGs as exact and phrase and added the negatives to old ad group. Now it's all about consolidation and themes based on intent right? All 48 of these keywords have the same ad and lander. So to optimize the campaign, do I add all 48 keywords to the existing ad group? And this has only been a month. I will get more and more keywords as time rolls on. It seems like I'll be overloading the ad group with keywords this way, but it also feels odd to just do nothing with them since I see them performing well in the search terms report... How are you guys handling this now days?
New comment Aug 5
0 likes • Aug 4
Very useful post and comments. Thank you!
Cleaning up a mess
Hello everyone! I've been a marketer for about 20 years - but it was in a highly regulated industry and we couldn't run paid ads. So I'm learning. I've taken hours of training on Google Ads through Skillshop - but I've learned way more through Grow My Ads YT videos. So THANK YOU! I have a bit of a mess to clean up. I'm the Marketing Director for a company and an agency has been managing our Google Ads. There is currently 1 General Campaign, 1 Ad Group, and 188 Broad Match Keywords. Note: Over half of the 188 keywords are either low quality, irrelevant, or redundant. In addition, our Ads have very generic headlines and descriptions. I've laid out a clear plan for a new structure. 1 Branded Campaign with 1 Ad Group associated with that campaign. 1 Non-Brand Campaign with 8 Ad Groups (1 for each of our very different product categories). I've also planned out the headlines, descriptions, and keywords for the ads associated with each Ad Group. I have 2 questions: 1) Should I just pause the junk keywords or should I remove them? 2) Once I get the new Campaigns setup, should I follow a particular plan to cut over from the existing Campaign to the new ones? Will it take time for my new campaigns to to warmup? My concern is that Google Ads generates leads for us and I don't want us to go dark. We aren't getting many leads right now - but it's better than nothing. So I want to manage the cutover carefully. I hope that makes sense! As mentioned, I've learned a lot and I fee like I have a firm grasp on what needs to be done. I just need some reassurance. I also welcome any warnings! Thanks!
New comment 23d ago
2 likes • Aug 4
Hi Heather. I've experienced a similar situation where I didn't want to pause an existing campaign, for fear that my new campaign might be disapproved - I also run ads in a highly regulated industry. I setup the new campaigns alongside the existing ones and gradually shifted traffic, before I paused my existing campaign. This way you can monitor your results/performance before you cancel the old campaign. I'm pretty sure though that the new campaign you have planned will work better. For the existing campaign: Pausing junk keywords is a softer approach to removing them, which could be useful if you're unsure about the long-term impact of removing them or want to retain the data for historical reference. However, if you’re confident these keywords are not serving your goals, I think removal is a cleaner solution. Make sure your conversion tracking is set up correctly for both old and new campaigns to accurately measure performance. I hope this helps. All the best.
SOS Decreased Impressions!
Hi @Austin LeClear. I need some advice please. I've run my search campaign for a personal loans company from the 10th June to present. On 16th June I increased my budget by 10%. My impressions and clicks decreased over the period 20 July to present. Where do I start to fix this? Please help
New comment Aug 7
1 like • Jul 26
Thank you for all your help Austin
1 like • Aug 4
Hi @Austin LeClear my search campaign impressions are back! I removed the target CPA and installed the google tracking codes again - there was a conflict. I can't thank you enough for your help. Take care.
New-Introducing Myself
Just discovered Grow my ads on YT... Thank you for all the great info! I'm a small business owner trying to run ads to my own services to increase my brand recognition and clients for my consulting company (transportation consulting). Really glad I found all this great info to get started!
New comment Jul 27
1 like • Jul 27
Welcome @Earl C
AMA Google Ads - July 2024
PPC Gang, Send me your Google Ads questions in this thread and next week I will do a Loom video answering them and give my advice and will post in the group for everyone to watch and review. To Growing Your Google Ads!
New comment Aug 9
1 like • Jul 26
Hi Austin, When is a good time to apply the google ad recommendations? I suppose I'm asking when do we take their advice? Is there good and not so good recommendations? They are always recommending budget increases, and often way more than what I want to spend. Or they recommend setting a tCPA. What do you suggest as a strategy for working through these recommendations? I mean these recommendations are there to help our ad performance right?
1-9 of 9
Cinda Cupido
6points to level up
I run Google Search Ads for clients. All self taught, and now looking to do better.

Active 32d ago
Joined Jun 17, 2024
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