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PPC Launchpad By

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How To Optimize Keywords Without Overloading Ad Groups?
I've got a phrase match keyword for "tree removal". After running it for a month and adding negatives daily, I've got 48 solid search terms with decent impressions, clicks, etc. In the past I would have put these into SKAGs as exact and phrase and added the negatives to old ad group. Now it's all about consolidation and themes based on intent right? All 48 of these keywords have the same ad and lander. So to optimize the campaign, do I add all 48 keywords to the existing ad group? And this has only been a month. I will get more and more keywords as time rolls on. It seems like I'll be overloading the ad group with keywords this way, but it also feels odd to just do nothing with them since I see them performing well in the search terms report... How are you guys handling this now days?
New comment Aug 5
0 likes • Aug 1
@Jeff Taylor Cool, I will do some testing with it. Thanks for your thoughtful replies.
0 likes • Aug 5
Thanks Rob. Yes, there is definitely overlap. However, I used to pull out any search term with good impressions and put it into its own SKAG, overlap or not. This allowed me to optimize for each keyword specifically whether that was at the bid, ad, or landing page level. Because I am used to this style, it is hard for me mentally to do nothing with a search term that is getting good impressions and clicks just because it overlaps with a keyword I already have in the ad group. I guess it's just a new way of optimizing (or not optimizing as much) that I am having an issue wrapping my head around.
Great to be here
Hi everyone. I'm a freelancer. I run Google Search Ads for clients. I've had no formal training, so all self taught, and now looking to do better.
New comment Jul 25
1 like • Jul 25
Hey Cinda, I just joined too - and I'm looking to do better as well. See you around.
Hi everyone glad to be here. Go back 15 years and I used to run campaigns for clients. Stop doing the PPC management five or six years ago but have new clients on board now and so trying to catch up with all the many changes.
New comment Jul 25
1 like • Jul 25
Hey Keith, I never stopped running ads, but I'm also trying to catch up with all the recent changes. See you around.
AMA Google Ads - July 2024
PPC Gang, Send me your Google Ads questions in this thread and next week I will do a Loom video answering them and give my advice and will post in the group for everyone to watch and review. To Growing Your Google Ads!
New comment Aug 9
0 likes • Jul 25
Dig this community. Well done guys. Question about ad group / keyword structure. I used to run only SKAGs. Worked great. Times have changed as you know. Now I'm trying to organize my ad groups into themes by intent, but I question the best way to do this. There are two main parts I'm confused on: (Running ads for a local Tree Removal service with a 50 mile radius) 1. I used to have a SKAG for each city: Tree Removal Belvedere, Tree Removal Lawndale, Tree Removal Lancaster, etc. I had almost hundred of these in separate SKAGs and it worked well. Now do I put them all in one ad group, or just do Tree Removal Near Me and use dynamic keyword insertion for the location and let the new AI Machine pick up all the cities, or something else? 2. I used to comb through my Search Terms report and pull out keywords with a good amount of impressions and add them to their own SKAGs as exact and phrase match. Now, if instead I add them to the same adgroup I will have dozens or hundreds of keywords in the same ad group. Do I just do nothing with them now and just keep main short tail keywords in the adgroup and focus on negatives to optimize or something else? How are you optimizing the keywords you are finding in the search terms these days without overloading the adgroups? Highly interested to see what you think about these thing. Cheers!
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Kyle Weston
3points to level up
Don't be evil.

Active 38d ago
Joined Jul 25, 2024
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