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The Warrior Circle ⭕️

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7 contributions to The Warrior Circle ⭕️
Life Assessment - What's Your Reality?
Welcome to the Warrior Circle, where your journey towards greatness begins now! You've taken a bold step to elevate your life, and we’re here to make sure you rise to the challenge. We’re not just talking about setting goals – we’re talking about transforming your reality, breaking barriers, and achieving mastery in every area of your life. To kick things off, we need you to take a comprehensive life assessment. This isn’t just another form; it’s a reality check, a strategic blueprint, and the foundation of your journey. We’re going to uncover where you stand, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and lay out the path to your ultimate vision. Why Take This Assessment? 1. Clarity: Gain a crystal-clear understanding of your current reality. Know exactly where you stand in every dimension of your life – mind, body, spirit, heart, and money. 2. Strategy: Develop actionable plans to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. 3. Focus: Identify key areas that require your immediate attention and effort. Understand your High-Value Targets (HVTs) and Actions that Matter (ATMs). 4. Momentum: Create daily, weekly, and monthly goals that propel you forward. Build unstoppable momentum through disciplined action and strategic planning. What to Expect This assessment will dive deep into the core areas of your life: - Mind: Evaluate your mental clarity, focus, and growth mindset. - Body: Assess your physical health, energy levels, and fitness habits. - Spirit: Reflect on your spiritual alignment, purpose, and inner peace. - Heart: Consider your relationships, emotional intelligence, and personal fulfillment. - Money: Analyze your financial health, wealth-building strategies, and economic freedom. Next Steps 1. Take the Assessment: Follow the link below and complete the assessment honestly. Your transparency will determine the quality of your strategic blueprint. 2. Review Your Results: Reflect on your answers and identify key insights. Understand your current season and what it demands from you. 3. Set Your Goals: Based on your assessment, set your short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. Align them with your vision and purpose. 4. Take Action: Commit to the actions required to achieve your goals. Consistency is your ally; discipline is your weapon.
New comment Aug 9
Life Assessment - What's Your Reality?
5 likes • Aug 3
Done ✅ 🎉🔥💃🏽
5 likes • Aug 5
@Savannah Bryant haha! Thanks sis ☺️🔥! You too!
Book Your Next Step Call 🤙
Welcome to The Warrior Circle, You’ve joined the ranks of the brave and the bold, but this is just the beginning. It’s time to ignite your journey with a powerful, free next-step call with me and my team. (This next-step call is for brand new members who are not currently enrolled in our Endgame Mastermind or 1-on-1 Personal Mentoring) Listen, you're here because you want more! So don't hesitate. Stop overthinking it. Just Do It. 🔥 Secure Your Free Next Step Call! 🔥 This is more than a call; it’s a deep dive into the heart of your ambitions. We’re here to craft a blueprint for your personal and professional rise. Action Steps: 1. Access Our Google Calendar through the link below. 2. Select a Convenient Time Slot for your call. 3. Gear Up for a Transformative Session that will set you on fire for your mission. Book Your Free Call Now In this session, we will dig into your vision, set actionable goals, and create a strategy that aligns with your highest potential. We're ready to help you level up within The Warrior Circle . This is your moment to break through. You're One Move Away, Claim your call now and step into your power. To victory, Daniel Emerson
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New comment Aug 5
Book Your Next Step Call 🤙
3 likes • Aug 3
Booked my call 📞 ☺️👍🏼
2 likes • Aug 5
@Savannah Bryant it will be awesome !
Connect 001: 5 Tips to Get into Your Passion Zone
Alright, warriors, let's dive deep. You do what you do because you're driven by passion, right? But let’s be real, there are days when that fire just doesn't burn as brightly. Those are the days that test your mettle. You can't afford to show up anything less than your best. So, what do you do when you're not feeling it? Here are my top 5 tricks to get back into your passion zone and crush your day: 1. Remember Your 'Why' Think back to the very reason you chose this path. Reconnect with the purpose that fuels your drive. Your why is the anchor in the storm, the light in the darkness. It’s the reason you get up every morning and grind. Write it down, say it out loud, feel it in your bones. 2. Visualize Your Impact Focus on that one person you want to help today. Picture their transformation, their smile, their gratitude. You're not just doing a job; you're changing lives. Let that sink in. When you shift your focus from your struggle to their success, the passion will follow. 3. Recall Your Wins Think about the people you've already helped. Reflect on those victories and the positive changes you've brought into their lives. Celebrate those moments. Each win is a testament to your impact and ability. Let those memories fuel your current mission. 4. Gratitude Over Attitude Take a moment to be grateful for the opportunity to make a difference. Gratitude shifts your mindset from what’s missing to what’s possible. It's a powerful tool to reignite your passion. List out what you’re thankful for and immerse yourself in those feelings. 5. Move Your Body, Shift Your Mind Physical movement can do wonders for your mental state. Take a brisk walk, go for a jog, or even tackle some chores. Physical activity releases endorphins that boost your mood and energy levels. Come back with a fresh perspective and renewed vigor. Perspective Shift Often, all it takes is a slight change in perspective, mentally or physically. These strategies aren't just quick fixes; they're mindset shifts. They help you align with your purpose, reignite your passion, and bring your best self to every challenge.
Complete action
New comment Jul 28
2 likes • Jul 26
@Rachel Emerson 😲☝️💥💥💥Let your yes be yes and your no be no! Be committed!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Lord help us ! Lord help me!
3 likes • Jul 27
Getting into His presence through worship until something breaks and the atmosphere shifts and I’m literally baptized in His love afresh! This is when the truth wins and He reminds me of who I am and what I’m called to. I then am able to better receive the word with revelation as I open it up and I just love how tenderly He speaks to me! He is a patient, loving, merciful Father and what a mighty faithful friend!! 😁😁😁😁Can’t nobody do me like Jesus.. ONE ☝️ RHEMA WORD, ☝️ or ONE Prophetic confirmation, ☝️ ONE reminder of His goodness and I’m right back on track! I’ve found when I take the time to write out decrees and actually speak them based off of what the Lord says I truly feel encouraged in all things. 💫💫👋🏼👋🏼 it’s just remembering to take the time to invest in ME! I have all faith and passion to intercede and go at it for others but I need to do a better job of praying for myself!
Ungodly Soul Ties and Personal Healing in Marriage
Soul ties, those deep emotional and spiritual connections we form, can be powerful and beautiful when rooted in God's plan. However, ungodly soul ties—those formed outside of His will—can be detrimental, dragging us down paths we never intended to tread. To deal with these before they form, stay vigilant and intentional in your relationships. Commit to prayer, discernment, and setting boundaries that honor God and protect your marriage. As a married couple, God cherishes your union and the prayers of a devoted wife. When you and your husband share a drink, what happens? Do you find yourselves opening up, bonding, and deepening your connection? Sometimes, these moments of vulnerability can create space for personal and marital healing. We all have coping mechanisms to navigate life's challenges, and recognizing when these behaviors no longer serve us is crucial. You have the permission to change and grow into a new version of yourself. Moderation is key, but so is awareness. Coming from programs that introduced me to healing and sobriety, I've learned to walk with God, the author and finisher of my faith. I've had to forgive myself for allowing old habits to pull me into uncontrolled behaviors. At the end of the day, no one is coming to save you; it's up to you to take control of your life using your God-given authority. Remember, you're not alone, and you don't have to stay the same. Many people struggle not because they are addicted to a substance, but because they are trying to cope with familiar hard situations. Responding to the Query Alright, Warrior! Let's tackle this question head-on. @Emily Lovell Question: I've been really struggling with giving up completely alcohol and nicotine for the last almost 3 years. I will stop for a little while and then start back up. My husband drinks every day, most days excessively. One day after work I grabbed a frozen peach wine drink to try and went home. My husband came home maybe an hour later to show me a jar of peaches in moonshine that he had just bought around the same time I was grabbing that peach drink. I distinctly hear in my head, 'and the two will become one flesh'. Now, I'm not trying to blame anyone else for my failure to control my flesh, but is it possible I keep going back and forth with it because we are one flesh?
New comment Jul 26
2 likes • Jul 26
@Rachel Emerson I Love this! His grace enables us to stand, proceed, endure and conquer the face of any opposition. It is not by power, nor by might 💪 but by the spirit of the Living God! 🕊️ 💫!!
Introduce Yourself: A Thread for New Members
Introduce Yourself We’re excited to meet you! Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the community. Share a bit about who you are, what you do, and what you hope to gain from being part of The Warrior Circle. Here are a few prompts to get you started: - Name: What’s your name? - Background: Tell us a little about your background or what you do. - Goals: What are your goals for joining The Warrior Circle? - Interests: What topics or areas are you most interested in? - Fun Fact: Share a fun fact about yourself! Remember, this is a space for growth and connection. We look forward to learning more about you and supporting you on your journey! Welcome once again, Warrior. Let's rise together!
New comment 26d ago
3 likes • Jul 25
@Patrick Davidson , thanks for asking! Nope not online, it’s a school in a building :) on our church campus and we’re looking to start building soon as we continue to expand!! ☺️✝️
2 likes • Jul 25
@Kerri Coe thank you and to your household as well!
1-7 of 7
Christy Gilbert
74points to level up
My name is Christy and I love the Lord! You thrill me, LORD, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done. Psalm 92:4

Active 45d ago
Joined Jul 23, 2024
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