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The Warrior Call 📱⭕️ is happening in 17 hours
Follow Up 001: Moving Forward
Warrior Circle: Last Night’s Revelation - Here’s What You Missed Family, last night we dove into some deep waters, unlocking realms of authority, power, and resilience that will shift how you live every single day. If you were there, you felt the energy. If you missed it, don’t worry—I’ve got you covered. Here’s the breakdown, but make sure you catch the replay to absorb every ounce of wisdom dropped. 1. Unlocking New Realms of Authority and Power We started by grounding ourselves in Luke 10:19 where Christ gives us authority over all the power of the enemy. This isn’t just a scripture—it’s your marching orders. We discussed how to: - Understand the authority Christ has given you and how to walk in it. - Exercise this authority in your daily life, not just in spiritual matters, but in every battle you face. - Overcome fear by embracing the power that’s been inside you all along. 2. The Significance of the Dream State with God Next, we uncovered the mysteries of the dream state, anchored in Job 33:14-15. God speaks, but are we listening? We explored: - The biblical basis for God speaking through dreams and how this has played out through history. - Practical steps to recall and interpret what God is saying to you in the night. - Personal testimonies that reminded us that God still speaks through dreams today—pay attention! 3. Reframing Your Thoughts Then we shifted gears into the battlefield of the mind, rooted in Romans 12:2. It’s time to renew, refocus, and reframe: - We discussed identifying and replacing negative thoughts that try to pull you down. - The importance of meditating on Scripture to keep your mind aligned with God’s truth. - Techniques for maintaining a positive, godly mindset amidst the noise of the world. 4. Taking Control Over Destructive Thoughts Finally, we armed ourselves with strategies from 2 Corinthians 10:5 to take control over destructive thoughts: - Strategies to identify and capture those rogue thoughts that don’t align with God’s word. - The power of confession and declaring God’s Word over your life and situation. - Building mental resilience against spiritual attacks, because the enemy is relentless, but so are we.
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New comment Aug 10
Follow Up 001: Moving Forward
Connect 001: 5 Tips to Get into Your Passion Zone
Alright, warriors, let's dive deep. You do what you do because you're driven by passion, right? But let’s be real, there are days when that fire just doesn't burn as brightly. Those are the days that test your mettle. You can't afford to show up anything less than your best. So, what do you do when you're not feeling it? Here are my top 5 tricks to get back into your passion zone and crush your day: 1. Remember Your 'Why' Think back to the very reason you chose this path. Reconnect with the purpose that fuels your drive. Your why is the anchor in the storm, the light in the darkness. It’s the reason you get up every morning and grind. Write it down, say it out loud, feel it in your bones. 2. Visualize Your Impact Focus on that one person you want to help today. Picture their transformation, their smile, their gratitude. You're not just doing a job; you're changing lives. Let that sink in. When you shift your focus from your struggle to their success, the passion will follow. 3. Recall Your Wins Think about the people you've already helped. Reflect on those victories and the positive changes you've brought into their lives. Celebrate those moments. Each win is a testament to your impact and ability. Let those memories fuel your current mission. 4. Gratitude Over Attitude Take a moment to be grateful for the opportunity to make a difference. Gratitude shifts your mindset from what’s missing to what’s possible. It's a powerful tool to reignite your passion. List out what you’re thankful for and immerse yourself in those feelings. 5. Move Your Body, Shift Your Mind Physical movement can do wonders for your mental state. Take a brisk walk, go for a jog, or even tackle some chores. Physical activity releases endorphins that boost your mood and energy levels. Come back with a fresh perspective and renewed vigor. Perspective Shift Often, all it takes is a slight change in perspective, mentally or physically. These strategies aren't just quick fixes; they're mindset shifts. They help you align with your purpose, reignite your passion, and bring your best self to every challenge.
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New comment Jul 28
Who would like QnA
So I was discussing with Daniel the other day about the panel, they had so much good information about kingdom couples!!! What did y’all learn from rowdy and Victoria!!!! Who would like to be able to ask or have pre-submitted questions to have answered from the mentors if we did another panel??? @Kerri Coe @Savannah Bryant @Rachel Emerson @Daniel Emerson @Vanessa Alamo @Rebekah Hudson @Vanessa Alamo @Emily Lovell @Justin Gilmartin @Laura Gregory @Amy Plummer @Brandon Jones @Jennifer Black @Hope Jones @Hope Davidson
New comment Jul 25
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That Moment…
When you felt something break in the Spirit! If you were there, describe what you felt. Caption this photo 😎📱💬 Let’s talk and level up. ⬆️
New comment Jul 25
That Moment…
Can’t wait to see what we are learning this week.
New comment Jul 23
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The Warrior Circle ⭕️
The Warrior Circle is A Kingdom Community for Leaders & couples ready to level up and transform their health, marriage, and business with the Endgame.
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