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Ungodly Soul Ties and Personal Healing in Marriage
Soul ties, those deep emotional and spiritual connections we form, can be powerful and beautiful when rooted in God's plan. However, ungodly soul ties—those formed outside of His will—can be detrimental, dragging us down paths we never intended to tread. To deal with these before they form, stay vigilant and intentional in your relationships. Commit to prayer, discernment, and setting boundaries that honor God and protect your marriage. As a married couple, God cherishes your union and the prayers of a devoted wife. When you and your husband share a drink, what happens? Do you find yourselves opening up, bonding, and deepening your connection? Sometimes, these moments of vulnerability can create space for personal and marital healing. We all have coping mechanisms to navigate life's challenges, and recognizing when these behaviors no longer serve us is crucial. You have the permission to change and grow into a new version of yourself. Moderation is key, but so is awareness. Coming from programs that introduced me to healing and sobriety, I've learned to walk with God, the author and finisher of my faith. I've had to forgive myself for allowing old habits to pull me into uncontrolled behaviors. At the end of the day, no one is coming to save you; it's up to you to take control of your life using your God-given authority. Remember, you're not alone, and you don't have to stay the same. Many people struggle not because they are addicted to a substance, but because they are trying to cope with familiar hard situations. Responding to the Query Alright, Warrior! Let's tackle this question head-on. @Emily Lovell Question: I've been really struggling with giving up completely alcohol and nicotine for the last almost 3 years. I will stop for a little while and then start back up. My husband drinks every day, most days excessively. One day after work I grabbed a frozen peach wine drink to try and went home. My husband came home maybe an hour later to show me a jar of peaches in moonshine that he had just bought around the same time I was grabbing that peach drink. I distinctly hear in my head, 'and the two will become one flesh'. Now, I'm not trying to blame anyone else for my failure to control my flesh, but is it possible I keep going back and forth with it because we are one flesh?
New comment Jul 26
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The Warrior Circle ⭕️
The Warrior Circle is A Kingdom Community for Leaders & couples ready to level up and transform their health, marriage, and business with the Endgame.
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