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Solo Q Solution

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13 contributions to Solo Q Solution
I have better teammates in Iron than Silver-Gold.
So, I basically gave up my Iron account for a while (my main) in favor of my Silver 1 (now Silver 2) alt account. In the 2 ranked games I played, the picks are very cancerous (ONLY when they're against me, like what the actual fuck?), such as Teemo Jungle & Jhin Mid. First game I was getting hard gapped by the Teemo who was 24/7 babysitting the bot lane and Volibear managing to destroy Fiora in the lane and counter me getting Voidgrubs, getting 2/3. They got all the Drakes, but still did not end the game. I was begging them in all chat to end it because it was painful to continue. Second game started quite bad, but it seemed like we got it. I was getting objectives mostly but my team decided that for every misplay I made, they'd flame me. Muting them did not work as they refused to work with me and my pings, such as Darius not rotating while Amumu was invading me (he was right next to me walking to lane) and that gave Amumu a free kill due to his fucking ult. I gave up because while Darius won his lane, he was playing the game like a singleplayer game, never rotating for anything AT ALL. I. GET. BETTER. TEAMMATES. IN. IRON. FUCKING. IRON. This is the shit that makes me never want to touch this awful game again, even though I have been coached by Diamond and Masters+ players. It was two games in a row, who says it can't be enough games until I derank to Iron 4 on this account too? I have both games streamed on my Twitch and recorded (there's music playing though so just LYK) if you're interested then: (not completely sure if it's available) or let me know to upload it on Youtube. Alt account OPGG DISCLAIMER: Akshan and Hecarim games before the 2 Sivir games were not played by me.
New comment Aug 5
Shall I switch to EUW If I do I will sacrifice my ms to 50 from 23 At the moment I am on Eune
New comment Aug 4
3 likes • Aug 4
@Hriso Vakhtang Climb to Masters-GM in EUNE before you switch and attempt a climb on a different region. If you're not at least Diamond to GM, you're not gonna have a fun time. Even multi-server Challengers got hardstuck Emerald-Diamond. It will be even worse for you since you're currently hardstuck Emerald.
I had a rough early and mid for my first rank game, cause I made the mistake of roaming to a fed top, but I turned it around.
This game was something else but I took the time to take it easy understand and pick my fights and managed to pull through cause the bot lane didn't respect anything we did after we got into midgame.
New comment Aug 4
I had a rough early and mid for my first rank game, cause I made the mistake of roaming to a fed top, but I turned it around.
0 likes • Aug 3
Nice username! Are you planning to be an Aurora one-trick?
Kai'sa korean build
New build on kai'sa in Korea statik -> voltaic -> luden's companion -> storm surge -> voidstaff/morello
New comment Aug 6
Kai'sa korean build
0 likes • Aug 3
Should've given better examples and reasons as to why this works. Can't call this viable without that info.
I tilt somewhat easily in my Rank (Iron 4).
Hello guys, so I am making this post to seek advice with the problem I am having, which consists of me making one or two misplays and leading to slight tilt, and my teammates aren't helpful in this Rank, besides from some far and few in between matches. I try to remain as untiltable as possible, but even the slightest tilt can make me start hard inting in some cases. I also have the tendency to rage-queue after one or more losses in a row, remaining tilted and losing the next game as well.
New comment Aug 7
1 like • Aug 3
@Anme Kazaki Yes, you can. I play Nocturne, Hecarim and Warwick Jungle. My Discord is underworld_s, and I am in the Solo Queue Solution discord.
1-10 of 13
Chris M.
37points to level up
L9 Iron 4 Jungler. Team diff.

Active 46d ago
Joined Aug 2, 2024
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